35) Replace cosmetics/grooming products with better quality (4/30) - 14APR09
The Beauty Stop - advice & reviews, links to other beauty blogs
What I little have has been sub-standard, bare minimum, easiest affordable for some time now.
09MAR09: Was 51) swapped with 35) Learn: Raise Carnivorous Creations plants. Purchased store brand versions of Olay products:
EQ SENS SKIN $5.62, NIGHT CREAM $4.48, FAC WIPE TUB $4.47, EQ DAILY DRM $11.18; Total w/9.9% tax $28.29
06APR09: research on vitamins for healthy skin:
General skin health: C, E, A, K, B, copper, zinc, selenium, omega-3
Capillary repair: 6 grams C w/3 grams lysine (Pauline protocol), vitamin k, vitamin p (bioflavinoids). Bioflavonoids are found in the white material just beneath citrus peel, as well as in peppers, grapes, pine bark, onions, garlic, blue and red berries, green tea as well as buckwheat. All (animal) proteins are high sources of lysine.
14APR09: Posted purchase images to gallery, in "Learn" album.