May 17, 2005 09:04
Hey everyone! I am writing a small play for class and need your help in letting me get inside other peers’ heads! Please fill this out to the best of your ability, and please please please be honest! No names will be used, this is just to get ideas for characters and getting to know what people thought.
1.) What was your initial reaction to 9/11?
2.) Did you feel compelled to do something? If yes, what? Did you go through with it?
3.) What did you observe from your peers?(Their reactions, etc)
4.) Knowing what you do now, does it change your opinion about 9/11?
5.) Please comment on anything else that might be helpful: emotions, ways you vented, little conspiracies you found on the internet, forward things you remember, little tricks like the folded $20 bill, etc.
Thank you so much for filling this out and being honest. I’ll post the final transcript of the play so you can read if a character is based off of you or not.