I'm singing, do do do-do do do-do do do!

May 11, 2005 23:58

Time for a long overdue entry! I have a load of exciting things to report (some of which I can hardly contain). Since I have license from purplesplinter to reveal the details of  today’s exhilaration, I’ll begin with that. As you may (or may not) know, Eves has second row tickets to the Sydney matinee show at the Superdome and I have a fourth row ticket to the evening Melbourne show at Rod Laver Arena. We were reasonably  happy with our VIP tickets to our respective shows but have long swooned for the opportunity to snag front row tickets. And what die-hard and endearingly spazzy fangirl wouldn’t? For every time we’ve attended our respective Delta events, we can’t help but be sad that we happen to live in different capital cities and unable to share in the thrill together. We write our reviews and post our instore pics, but it’s not the same. I’m at alack for Delta-going friends here and always rock up to these events on my lonesome. Eves’ mum goes along with her, and while her family are a wonderful bunch, we’ve agreed numerous times that our going together would be so incredibly ideal. After perusing eBay this week, she devised a brilliant plan; bidding for a set of front row tickets to the Sydney matinee show, selling ours for a re-imbursement of original ticket price, and outlaying half to double to make up the remaining expense. The going price for the previous set sold was a whopping $900. Arguably beyond the average ticket purchaser’s price range, though not so much if you’re a current VIP ticket holder with intentions of selling. ;D So we agreed on a cut-off for our bidding and went for it. Only to encounter a minor setback when eBay experience a freak power outage that  disrupted our auction. Thankfully Eves found humour in the situation (it was very  much attuned with our spasticity even though we had no way of controlling those circumstances). It looked as though the last bidder would have won them due to sheer dumb luck! We were ready to shrug it off and try for another set of not as great and possibly more expensive tickets. That is, till we learned that the auction had been re-set for today. So Eves was all set to bid once again and to our complete and utter joy, she managed to make a winning bid in the final 30 seconds! We have front row tickets to the matinee concert!! At a price which perfectly restores whatever we would have lost too. We still have to work out the finer details but I’m flying to Sydney for the show, I’m going to meet Eves, and we’re going to have ourselves the most giddy concert experience ever!  Yeeeeee! :D

Just when I was complaining again to Mum that I hadn’t been away in two and a bit years, I have my Sydney stay and a trip to Cairns in the works! :D My best friend and I have been wanting to get away for a week to Queensland for so long. In fact, I think we’ve been planning it for four years of uni but our holiday breaks and exam timetables always seemed to clash rather than co-incide. This year we’re able to plan around her exam timetable since exams are no longer an issue for me. So we’ve settled on the perfect resort with all the luxuries and ocean views, right on the Esplanade. I really hope there are vacancies ‘cause I tried to book online tonight and the dates I selected were free according to the listings, but then each time I tried to book it, they came up as booked out. I realise we should have made our arrangements sooner, but then Nat only got her timetable details on Friday. :/ I have a feeling that since the dates (and the days surrounding them) were marked as free, there’s a chance they still are. The quickest way to find out is to phone. I had no idea online bookings were so fiddly! They’re supposed to be easy and efficient. I’ll phone first thing tomorrow and if we can’t get in there, we have a few alternate options.

My final piece of exciting news is that my eldest cousin, Sally, had a baby boy on April 28th! That's  my mum's and her mum's birthday, incidentally! Mum and aunt Liz are twins; hence sharing the same birthday. So now my first ever second cousin shares a birthday with his  grandma and great aunt! Kind of odd actually, but rather special to Mum, Liz and Sally. Needless to say it made their birthday’s exciting this year! LOL. Sal lives in Woodonga (near the NSW border) so we won’t get to see little Harry John till our next big family get together. But she’s e-mailed some pictures already and he’s a rather  adorable baby. :P I’ll have to post one with my next entry or if someone happens to request it.

See the benefits in failing to update regularly? You never run short of things to report!  Not that I'm validating my failure to update in over a month. :P These infrequent disappearing acts of mine are becoming more frequent, I know. :/ Keeping on top of my research has meant I’ve had to make some restrictions my online activities. The Delta board has picked up pace so I’ve had to make it a priority whenever I've been online. I’ve been sorely tempted to trade an extra few hours of study in exchange for LJ catch-ups and the resistance has not been easy. I’m so behind on the thesis already and while I’m on a good wicket with my working habits, I felt like I should strike while the iron was hot and throw myself into it. I’m genuinely sorry for not having responded or commented much at all in that time. Especially when there’s been some notable developments (I know you love that word, heartswt ;P) happening in your lives. Those entries and comments haven’t gone unnoticed, even though it may seem that way. Enough excuses and groveling though. I’m going to take this opportunity to be proactive in my promises to catch up! *rolls up sleeves and prepares to comment spam many journals over the next few days*
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