
Jan 23, 2007 07:48

So. Corey asked me to think of a solution to our lack of communication skills. So I figure, I'll search online, there has to be an answer online. EVERYTHING is on the internet! But, yet, no luck so far. But I did come across this whole statistics thing for marraige and divorce. So, 1 in 3 first marraiges end in dovorce right? And 2 in 3 second marraiges end in divorce. And then the article goes on about how people say within 5 years after their divorce that they regret it because they probably could have fixed things. Well.. uh.. DUH! This is why I think divorce should be illegal, because people are so stupid when it comes to marraige. If you made dicvorce illegal and people actually had to live the rest of their lives with someone they married for sex or money or something, then they would start teaching their children to fight for things rather than give up on them because their lazy and to find the good qualities and to not make the same retarded mistakes mommy and daddy made.

Of course you're gonna regret divorce afterwards, because you probably didn't even think about it! Yah probably just said, "I'm not happy, I want to go bang someone else" and then divorced whoever. When you go into marraige, I don't think you should have the mindset "Well, if it doesn't work out, there's always divorce!" Fuck no there isn't. This is why you date people, you can get out of a relationship easily then. But when you finally say, "I'm going to get married" that's it, the playing of the feild is over for you. Get over it, or don't get married. You're suppose to make a relationship work, divorce is a last resort used in serious cases, not on a fucking whim. God, the human race should be made to suffer until it can learn to smarten up.

This makes me wonder if the movie "Idiocracy" that I'm about to watch, will be true. And if you don't know what that means cause you don't know about "Idiocracy" then look it up, everything but how to communicate in a relationship is on the internet.

I'm done ranting for now


bad day, relationship, survey

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