(no subject)

Sep 01, 2005 23:28

Right, now that I've recovered slightly after the initial shock of going back to the 6:30 wakeup, school seems that bit less hellish. Tuesday was awful, I could barely stay conscious. There was a light moment, however, when Shane, the ultimate Fourth Year slacker, buried his face in his hands and wailed "Fifth Year is the worst thing to happen to me ever."


..Is going to be hard, as I've forgotten everything- I had to be reminded twice of how to break down algebraic fractions- but then, I'm a maths 'tard anyway. I got off to a bad start by not hearing the teacher (Miss Carroll, small, suspected ex-hockey amazon, used to have extremely short hair, unflappable) list my name, and consequently having no idea what her name was the next day and going to completely the wrong room. "Wait... You're not my teacher..." She took it well though.

..Will also be hard. I need to go back to the Gaeltacht. But they haven't bothered sorting us yet, so it remains to be seen whether I get the mad pixie (Miss Ní Laighin) or the Wicked Witch of the Irish Department (Miss O' Brien).

I'm in the nerd class. ^_^ However, as only 12 people got a B or above in the Junior Cert, this isn't much of a triumph. Miss Harte (scary penetrating blue eyes) hates me already though, as I forgot my book on Tuesday (in Fifth Year this = instant death, it seems.) We're supposed put far more work in under our own steam this year if we don't want to fail. Oh, to be spoonfed once again.

Instead of the wonderfully sarcastic Mr. Hay, I have Mr "MUN" Allen. He tends to ramble. He spent most of a double class talking about the difference between objectivity and subjectivity in History, and by the end anyone who had been perfectly clear on their meanings was now horribly confused. He asked me such a long, convoluted hypothetical question "Say you seem like a bad student, but you tell me you got an A in the Junior Cert..." that by the end I had no idea what he was asking me. However, his quality Boston accent does improve things somewhat. This term we will be studying Bismahck while we have a pahty with Smahties in the cahpahk.

Despite thinking Dr Frewin would be terrifying, he's not bad at all. However, his wig is most distracting. He tends to talk and talk and talk and get off the subject and then suddenly veer back, but thank to his excellent English diction is always perfectly clear. Anytime he has to refer to sex is guaranteed to be amusing- I think he said "Doing naughty things", "going at it" and "I won't go down that road" with much handflapping. And apparently in his day National Geographic was THE place to see naked women. Oh dear.
He also spent several minutes marvelling over some DVDs- "They're so cute, aren't they? Look they're shiny and everything!" and wants us to believe he's 45. Bless.

Classical Studies
..Is much the same as last year. Only with new and improved Flanagan- NOW WITH HAIR! Never having seen him with more than a centimetre of greyish shaven fuzz, it is SO WEIRD to see him with thick black hair AND A PARTING.

The only doss class of the year, as there are eight people in the class and we have no syllabus to keep to at all. Mr Reeves, eternal child that he is, would be perfctly happy to have us build a replicate R2-D2 all year and send it around the school to chase first years, if only he could get the parts. Apparently we will understand HTML by the end of the year. (This will never happen.)

I had hoped for Mr Reidy (volatile, sarcastic chainsmoker) because apparently he's the English-teaching bweesness (Kristjan's pronunciation, somehow I doubt it will catch on) but instead I got Mr Hamill. He thought I was called Clarissa. *blinks* Mr Hamill gives off something of an air of occasionally spaced calm and poker-facedness. (I will never forget him going to Jack's room and saying "There seems to have been an allegation of bullying. I believe there is a hostage situation? <3) He is rather small, speaks fluent French and resembles a friendly, bespectacled badger. (Meant in a nice way.) On Tuesday he said the phrase "slapping my thighs in merriment" TWICE, and Charlotte didn't even notice. *shakes head* We have a three page+ essay every week to do- I can ramble for pages about "My Favourite Music", but "Me"? What IS that? They're collected every Friday- "Today is.. Thursday, which means the first essay will be due tomorrow..." *class blanches* "..week." *class breathes out*

Well, that was pointless. ^_^ Oh, and me, Charlotte, Alice, Clodagh and Chloe are going to Franz Ferdinand in the Point- which is FAR too big- because suddenly this term seems a lot longer than before, and concerts break up the months wonderfully.
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