(no subject)

Apr 11, 2007 01:37

Happy Late Easter everyone!! I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and time with their families, because i surprisingly did. Well now onto the good stuff lol I decided it would be a good idea to come back to school yesterday and have a few drinks with the girls down the hall before they went to some party later on. Well one drink went to two and then two to three, and then before I knew it I was stuck in a never ending game of "Kings" getting my ass kicked,progressively getting tipsy as well. Then after killing a 6 pck of Corona, 10 beers, 6 or 7 jello shots(made with so much liquor they barely set!! I was loosely speaking my mind, loving life and everyone around me and then the worst thing in the world happened...I discovered my cell phone in my pocket. For those of you who dont know my history with the elusive art of drunk dialing...I am the mother fucking P-I-M-P of this bitch...unfortunately for me my pimp skills were much to be desired last night and i fell flat on my face lol
The first call was to Kyle and I barely remember but it consist of me telling him i missed him and then some other useless stuff..no fun w/e ..the second was a call to me from a friend that i havent seen in a long ass time let alone talk to and he proceeded to tell me that I told him a while ago that I wanted to sleep with him and offered him a sexual advance. Well even as drunk as I was I knew that was a lie cuz I have standards and he doesnt fit them..hes toooo gay.. YOU LOSE!!! and then I went on to tell him that I am a bad person for leading ppl on and that I want to make out with Chris (some random boy at the party last night..he left, Thank god, before I got real drunk..bad things might have happened)..Then my friend lost service..THANK YOU VERIZON!!

Then I decide that I should text people now while finishing off a 40 of old english...cuz its yet another brillant drunked idea brought to you by YOURS TRULY! So after some meaningless texts to random ppl I get pissed and sad and text Kyle..here it is

Kyle- I miss your drunk sexy ass

Me-I miss you too like Whoa and cant wait to see you

Me-(drunk) We Werent we together...Give me one good reason why we were never together?! I wanna know

Me-(drunker after 10 mins) ANSWER HOE!! :-) j/k ..no seriously i wanna know

Kyle-I dont know..You tell me.I think it was partially Alex, but you tell me

Me-(half way done with the 40) YOU DICK :-) and your fear of being with a real man..but seriously I loved you and wanted you from the start.

Kyle- I know and why are acting like this is the end of something that hasnt even started

Me-(3/4 done with the 40...and having someone else read the message to me cuz i cant read it)
NO! I never said that! I dont wanna give up on anything but I wanna no that theres hope to go on with

Kyle-It takes two in a relationship and if your asking me to give you an answer of a relation ship...I dont know that answer until we try

Me-(Real Drunk trying to finsh my warm 40..almost there)I seriously want to try but I want to make sure that your in it out of desire not guilt or nething

Me-(REAL DRUNK and finally realzed i did too much)Well imma go to bed..night hun love you and really miss you

Kyle- Night call me tomarrow

Kyle-(this morning) Hey still drunk sexy?

Yea i am retarded..but i called and left a PHONE message while he was at work to apologize..
Hope he talks to me soon..

Well those are my drunken actions from the night...some things left out
-running up and down hall
-drunk dancing
-being solicated by straight girl for sex to turn me straight lol
-Peeing in front of 2 girls while they got ready for a party in the bathroom
-Talking to random ppl in the gazebo
-Drunken kissed Lex..
-Ate 4 packs of fuckin ramen noodles!!
-And more things that I have no knowledge of doing lol so w/e
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