come ice, snow, darkness, hell, high water or the unexpected tundra of the american southwest, i made it back to connecticut with time to spare. those hours turned to days spent in the front seat of that rav-4 have become a compact block of time to me, where the art of trailblazing creates a tangible safe of memories, untouchable by time. where we are constantly moving from one immutable event into one inevitable event with each passing second, proof around us in the fluid rocks themselves. perpetual, permanent, remarkable transformations, as we are, victims of the restless roads. victims of time itself.
with us, we take relics from the sacred grounds we cover. behind us, we leave the imprints of our memory, evident in the kind people we meet, the credit we charge, the guest books we sign, the breath we exhale, the miles we accrue: unwinding endlessly in our wake-- a million miles our vagabond clouds. & from this we are forever changed & born anew. (never lost, only searching.)
from this christmas, i learned that the only traditions you need to heed are the ones that matter to you. the convention of this holy holiday are of circumstance, & meaningless if they are exalted without clout. i am losing touch with what i once thought to be eternal & paramount & i haven't decided if it is proof of growth or decline. maybe it's a part of the closure that i need to have before i graduate. i am coping, now, & i consider myself strong enough to make a new start, & lose the safety net of my youth. or maybe, take faith that my safety net will be strong enough to catch me from a million miles away.
my flowing prose aside & with kate upfront, guess who is in love with a new television show? while i may not be the girls i once was, with obsession on her sleeves, boredom still leads to the search for outlets, in this case, bones! my life has been ripe with romanticism, but lacking romance, & bones was the perfect distraction. a show about science, fbi, brilliance & two beautiful people... remind you of anything. & is again, one of those things i always knew i would love but had not yet had the time to give the proper attention to. christmas break away from my friends, school & work in boston? & blockbuster just up the street? talk about perfect timing. & later we will talk about how much i want to be temperance brennan. hah.