connect the dots, la la la la.

Jul 29, 2006 19:05

oh my god, i just had the worst two hours of my life.
shari called me this morning to see if i would let her dog out for her because she decided to stay in OC over night, so i said "sure".
after work, i went over there and i guess her dog didn't remember me because he barked and barked and barked.
finally, he let me get close to him and pet him, so then i tried to get him to go outside.
i had to bribe him with treats... so i've got hold of his choker thing to hook him up to the run and open the door and he bolts out, dragging me and he's a big ass dog, way bigger than mine.
i fell down a few steps and then he got out of my grasp, ran down the rest of the steps and started running down the street.
i got up and tried following him, but he was too fucking fast and i didn't have a leash with me.
so he's already out of sight and im calling him but he won't come back to me.
so i start freaking out and run back to the house to find his leash to go after him.
i walked around her neighborhood for a good hour... sweating my ass off, worried sick.
i closed my foot in the door the other day so i had a bandaid over it, well that fell off and started rubbing against my shoe, which made it bleed...
two creepy mexican guys followed me around for a good 5 minutes, trying to talk.
i started crying because i couldn't find this dog ANYWHERE.
so then, i went back to the house to get my car to drive around and look for him.
FINALLY, i see him run across a street, so i jump out of the car and follow him.
i thought i lost him again, but then i spotted him going into this big deep ditch thing with water running through it.
so i climbed down a few feet into this ditch and i don't see him.
then i heard him lapping up water and he comes out of some brush and just plops right down into the water.
i snuck up on him and leashed him.
he finally gets up and shakes dirty creek water allover me.
then i had a hell of a time trying to get back up to the street.
i am so glad i found him though.
oh man, oh man.

last night, travis finally met my parents, briefly.
he, myself, sarah and dan went to XS for a late dinner, MMM.
then we went back to his house, had some drinks and fell asleep to a "full house" marathon.
hell yeah.

work was fun and pointless today.
i accomplished pretty much nothing.
tonite, i think we're going bowling, haha.
im excited.
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