I haven't covered every scene; just my favourites. By which was basically ALL of them so I did have to cut it down a bit.
As always with my picspams, enjoy, don't steal (i.e no re-posting of these on Tumblr or Fanpop etc) and comments are appreciated. :)
Brennan: “What did you think we were going to talk to him about?”
Booth: “The whole uh… love thing?”
Brennan: “The love thing? Oh, his conclusion that we’re in love? I don’t care about that.”
Booth: "Hey-hey-hey-hey-hey."
Brennan: [V.O] "That's when he said."
Booth: "What's that scientist's name?"
Brennan: [V.O] "And Cam answered."
Cam: "Temperance Brennan."
Brennan: "Which is me."
(Brennan, you are too adorable for words.)
Brennan: [V.O] "I was lecturing on de-fleshing techniques at American University."
Booth: [V.O] "Bones was not what I expected."
[ ... ]
Brennan: "...Any questions?"
Booth: "Yeah, I have a questions. Seems to me if you remove flesh, aren't you, uh, destroying the evidence?"
Brennan: "On the contrary; I am revealing evidence."
(LOOK. AT. HIS. FACE. He is literally in awe with her. Holy crap, the goosebumps I got just from the look on his face. Guuuuuuuh.)
Booth: "...So that;s your thing?"
Brennan: "Yes. I'm the best in the world."
Booth: "Oh, okay you're serious."
[ ... ]
Brennan: "He thought I was being humorous."
Booth: "That turns out to be true."
Brennan: "But you didn't know that yet."
Booth: "Yeah."
Brennan: "Are you a student here?"
Booth: "Special Agent Seeley Booth from the F.B.I."
Brennan: "I'm Dr. Temperance Brennan of Jeffersonian Institution."
Booth: “Do you believe in fate?”
Brennan: “Absolutely not. Ludicrous.”
Brennan: “I still don’t.”
Booth: “And I still do.”
(okay, let me just squeal for a moment here at the fact the male counterparts of my top two OTPs have asked the female counterparts that same question this season; the second being Clark to Lois in Smallville.)
Booth: “Gotta tell ya, I really am enjoying working with you, Bones.”
Brennan: “Bones is not my name.”
Booth: “Well, it’s just a nickname.”
Brennan: “Oh, yes, I see. I could call you… Shoes.”
Booth: “Shoes? Why Shoes?”
Brennan: “Yes, because they are so very shiny.”
Booth: “The shoes, they’re a part of the uniform.”
(haha, oh, Brennan)
Booth: "The F.B.I, they just have a way of doing things."
Brennan: "Well, anthropologically speaking paramilitaristic organisations tend to constrain individuality."
Booth: "That's for sure."
Brennan: "But, in any group, no matter how restrictive the free thinkers, the mavericks, the rebels with leadership quality; find ways to declare their distinctiveness."
Booth: "I'm a free thinking, rouge rebel."
Brennan: "Are you seeing anyone?"
Booth: "Wow. Right to the point there, huh, Bones? Uh, casually, but she doesn't really like my hours. You?"
Brennan: "W-uh, a physicist has been asking me out so I was thinking of saying yes."
Booth: "I'd ask you out if could."
Brennan: "Why can't you?"
Booth: "Well, F.B.I rules again. No fraternising with other agents or consultants.
Brennan: "That's too bad."
Booth: "Glad you think so."
Angela: "Listen, he is very cute."
Brennan: "Well I do respond to the breadth of his shoulders and his strong jawline."
(look at her, checking him out.)
Judge: ...You're ridiculous."
[Brennan punches the Judge in the face."
Booth: "Ohhh!"
[Punches him again.]
Brennan: "Is this very bad?"
Booth: "I’ve been wanting to do that for years. You are so hot! That’s great."
Booth: "No, Bones, just stop talking about the case just for one moment, alright?"
Brennan: "Okay."
Booth: "Check this out, huh?"
[Brennan laughs]
Booth: "Okay, I am declaring my individuality. I am going rogue."
Brennan: "You have gone rogue."
(um, so basically Brennan was responsible for the crazy socks, the cocky belt buckle and what not? WIIIIN!)
Booth: "You're fired."
Brennan: "What? Why? Because I drank bhang? Because that was in pursuit of the research. Why am I fired?"
Booth: "You're fired because you assaulted a Federal judge."
Brennan: "No, you said that was hot."
Booth: "I did, I did. It was very hot."
Brennan: "Hey."
Booth: "Yeah."
Brennan: “If we don’t work together any more, we can have sex.”
Booth: “I’ll call a cab.”
(ho-lay crap *thud*)
Booth: "Hold on, hold on, listen, I've got something to confess."
Brennan: "Is it the fact that you're the direct descendant of John Wilkes Booth? I already know that."
Booth: "Wait, wait a second, how do you know that?"
Brennan: "From your bone structure."
Booth: "Jus- just keep that, um, under your hat, okay, for now, alright?"
Brennan: "Okay."
Booth: "What I wanted to confess was, see, I have a gambling problem, but I'm dealing with it."
Brennan: "Why did you feel you had to tell me that?"
Booth: "I don't know, I just feel like, um, this is going somewhere."
Brennan: "Why did you feel like this is going somewhere?"
Booth: "I don't know, I just... feel like I'm going to kiss you..."
Sweets: "You kissed."
Booth: "Yes."
Brennan: "There was tongue contact."
Sweets: "My book is crap."
Brennan: "Well, that's why we wanted to come here today."
Booth "Yeah. We just wanted to warn you, Sweets, so you wouldn't be barking up the wrong tree."
Sweets: "How long did this affair last?"
Brennan: "Shall we tell him?"
Sweets: "YES! Yes, you should."
Booth: "Wow."
Brennan: "We are not spending the night together."
Booth: "Of course we are. Why?"
Brennan: "Tequila."
Booth: "Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold the cab. Hold the cab! Hey. Are you afraid that when I look at you in the morning, I'll have regrets?"
Brennan: "That would never happen."
[ ... ]
Brennan: "I went home and went to bed."
Booth: "So did I."
(having been there before, I feel their pain! LOL)
Booth: "Something wrong?"
Brennan: "I find I am annoyed with you."
Booth: "Why, because I fired you and hired you back? It's the federal government."
Brennan: "No! Because you got me drunk to fire me, then have sex with me."
Booth: "Whoa, no, I got myself drunk so I could fire you and you decided not to have sex with me which I accepted. Gracefully. So, you regretting that decision?"
Brennan: "No, I'm not. It was a very good decision and I stand by it."
Booth: "What's going on, Bones?"
Brennan: "Do not call me Bones."
Booth: "That's the story of our first case. Sweets, sorry about your book."
Sweets: "No, it's not. It's not. What happened between you two?"
Brennan: "We started to argue."
Booth: [V.O] "In front of the victim's mother."
Brennan: [V.O] "I was worried that we still didn't have enough evidence to convict."
Booth: [V.O] "I told her that this was definitely not the place to bring this up."
Brennan: "Let you of me!"
Booth: "I will if you just- [Brennan slaps him across the face] OW! What the hell?"
Brennan: "You are a bully! Y-You grab my arm just like the judge, you use your badge and gun to intimidate people-"
Booth: "Really? The way you use your brain to make people around you feel stupid?"
Brennan: "Well, you are a stupid man! I hate you!"
Booth: "Oh, you hate me. What are you, ten years old? I’m not your dad!"
Brennan: "I will never work with you again."
Booth: "Who asked you?"
Sweets: "You struck him?"
Booth: "Well, I shouldn't have grabbed her."
Brennan: "We're sorry about your book."
Sweets: "Okay, this is... you... you are totally messed up. I always said you could never kiss because if you did, then the dam would break. And now it turns out that you kissed. Did the dam break?"
Brennan: "What does that mean?"
Booth: "Well... he still thinks that we slept together."
Brennan: "W-we're not in love with each other. It took us a year after we kissed to be in the same room together. Right?"
(Oh GOD, his FACE. Look at how broken he looks. ;___;)
Booth: "Oh, absolutely. Right. No more kissing or anything."
Sweets: "If you're not in love, then how come you haven't been in any serious relationships since you first met, huh?"
Brennan: "I don't really do that."
Booth: "Y'know... my job, my son..."
Sweets: "One of you has to have the courage to break this stalemate. [to Booth] You, it's gotta be you because you're the gambler. For once, make that work for you."
(LOL, poor Sweets. And he so eloquently illustrates how us fans felt watching this episode.)
Booth: "I'm the gambler. I believe in giving this a chance. Look, I want to give this a shot."
Brennan: "You mean us? No. The FBI won’t let us work together anymore-"
Booth: "Don’t do that. That is no reason-"
("Nothing happens unless first a dream." Nice one, Mr. Hart Hanson.)
(THEY ARE KISSING. IN THE PRESENT. LKFJG'LDFKJH'LDFGJH!!!! I love that he just smacks into her and you can tell she wants to get into it, but she has to pull away.)
Brennan: “No. No!”
Booth: “Why? Why?”
Brennan: “You thought that you’re protecting me, but you’re the one who needs protecting.”
Booth: “Protecting from what?”
Brennan: “From me! I don’t have your kind of open heart.”
Booth: “You just give it a chance. That’s all I’m asking.”
Brennan: “No, you said it yourself. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again, and expecting a different outcome.”
Booth: “Well, then let’s go for a different outcome here. Alright, let’s just… hear me out here. You know when you talk to older couples who’ve been in love for 30, or 40, or 50 years… alright… it’s always the guy who says: “I knew.” I KNEW. Right from the beginning.”
Brennan: “Your evidence is anecdotal.”
Booth: “I’m that guy. Bones, I’m that guy. I know.”
Brennan: “I… I am not a gambler. I’m a scientist. I can’t change. I don’t know how. I don’t know how."
Brennan: "Please don’t look so sad.”
Booth: "Alright. You're right. You're right."
(Booooooooth! ;____;)
Brennan: "Can we still work together?"
Booth: "Yeah."
Brennan: "Thank you."
Booth: "But I gotta move on. Y'know, I gotta find someone who's gonna love me... thiry years, or forty, or fifty."
Brennan: "I know."
(AND THIS IS THE PART WHERE I BAWLED LIKE A BABY. My heart breaks for BOTH of them. God, this scene was just so beautiful on many levels. Everything was perfect about it.
And I don't care what anyone says; he cried! He has fucking tears in his eyes. It is not, 'eye sweat',
ninirific, tyvm. THOSE. ARE. TEARS.)
(I love, that after all of that, they walk away, arms linked with her head resting on her shoulder. Like things will ultimately be okay between them. Guuuuuuuh! Be still, my shipper heart.)
PERFECT. PERFECT. PERFECT EPISODE. I honestly couldn't have asked for anything more from it. It's been over a week and I'm still reeling from it.
Thanks for looking! :)