Firefly is my favourite show ever. (Sorry BSG.) I bought the dvds, rewatched it and fell in love again with the 'verse, the characters and the cast so hard that it hurts. I would give my *insert body part of choice here* to have new episodes. I will never forgive Fox. What really pisses me off, is the way they treated the show. They never even gave it a chance. For those of you who don't know, Fox decided that the pilot was too dark, which is why they didn't air it first. (You mean we should show the pilot first? Why, that's insanity!!) Instead they asked Joss and Tim Minear to write a new "jollier" pilot in two days. And naturally they aired pretty much all the episodes out of order etc. etc. GAH. Of all the fantastic shows Fox has prematurely canceled (and there's too many to even mention), Firefly has got to be the best. Because it just is. Ask anyone. While we're on the subject of Fox cancelling my shows: DON'T YOU DARE EVEN THINK ABOUT. *clings to Sarah Connor Chronicles* Seriously, fuck with one of my shows AGAIN and I will hunt you down. And besides, you couldn't do that to Summer AGAIN, now would you (do I have to remind you that she can kill you with her brain and her crazy awesome robot ballerina asskickery moves). Well you've done it to Nathan (and Tim Minear--how many times now? i've lost count.) so I really don't know what you're going to do next. You big damn motherfrakking idiots. /end rant
EDITED TO ADD: OK, I just found out that Sarah Connor Chronicles has been officially renewed for a second season, so ignore that rant above. And while you do that, let me do
the dance of joy.
I've read the FF comics, and even though I love them, it's just not the same as watching the show (although yay for new FF in any form or medium.) Sigh. I just wish they'd get to make more movies. Speaking of...
I bought
Serenity, which for some idiotic reason I hadn't seen yet (I'm the worst flan ever.) and HOLYMOTHEROFGODANDALLHERWHACKYNEPHEWS. I want to watch that movie twice every day. Joss Whedon, people. There isn't enough superlatives in the 'verse. Also, SUMMEERRRRRR! Excuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor. I don't even know what to say. Those fight scenes are just I N S A N E. And so absolutely beautiful. River is my superhero. \o/
And since I bought that collector's edition of Serenity, I got to listen not one, but two commentaries. How much do I love dvd extras? SO MUCH. The cast commentary is hilarious. I tell ya, I think my love for these people has reached and unhealthy level. No, I know it has.
Also - not really having to do with Serenity or anything but I just have to say this- if that Joss/Summer ballet movie ever comes out, I'll be the happiest person alive.
And of course I have a shiny Firefly picspam (and this isn't going to be the only one). The cast of Firefly is, IMNSHO, the most adorable cast ever. Just looking at pictures of them makes me feel like everything is awesome and shiny. You can see the love that these people have for each other (see, I get all mushy just thinking about them.) They're like a big happy family, Nathan being their crazy energizer bunny of a big brother. (And we all know Joss is boss.)
lol at the random pinhead.
i feel so bad about cropping joss out of the picture, that i have to include the (very big)
original as well.
Nathan and Summer. So much pretty. (Although sorry about the coloring... guess I was blind at the time.)
Why isn't Sean "The Body" Maher at least shirtless? Stupid photoshoot.
In Serenity everything was bigger. And the heroes were heroicaler.
Those boots are so hot. Yay for Texans. Summer said that one day she'd like to play a cowgirl. Or a cowboy.
Have I mentioned that I love Summer Glau?
> pics from,, and hires_hunks
> please don't use these for icons etc.