Jul 29, 2007 18:45
As the beggining of August slowly closes in, I am left longing for school to begin. I am also dreading it as well. I do not want my life of joy riding to end and the eventual retake of the SAT and applying for college, but I long to see Matt again.
HEY. I am not pathetic. I am just beggining to realize how much of a fool I've been. I should've done something to make our paths slowly cross over the summer. But I didn't and his face in my dreams could never compare to the face in my mind.
ALAS! I am a fool! The thoughts just storm through my head of all I could have done differently.
ON ANOTHER (NOT SO PATHETIC NOTE), I cannot wait for the release of Rune Factory.
The things I am anticipating this August/to do list:
1. School
2. Any and all new Naruto chapters.
3. Rune Factory
4. Some hot weather for Swimming
5. My eventual finish of FFXII or at least time to finish it
7. Finish Harry Potter series.
None of my goals/hopes are even that great. I dunno, this summer seems much lamer than any other. I think all of my freinds hate me and don't want to hang out with me. WELL FINE. I'll be watching HBO while you guys finally realize what you are missing out on.
God. I just want to get some action right now. It doesn't even have to be Matt, even though that is prefered.