Ah, how much I like to use the word SPOILERS! with DW. Can't wait to see you again, River.
So, here we are. Seventh season, new opening graphic, DOCTOR WHO written with...studs? Hey, how did they know that this winter it's all about studs!? Yeah, studs are cool.
Aaaaannd. This. Is. A. Great. Episode. It really looks like a mini-film, just like Arthur Darvill said.
Oh, Arthur. Rory. Amy. A little piece of my heart broke at the beginning, even if I knew. And they can't have children :( at the beginning, I thought their fight was about River, but I wasn't that far.
"Basic fact of our relationship is that I love you more than you love me." OMG I MISSED THIS ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Probably the best Dalek episode I ever saw. They frightened me, they did all their Doctor Who thing and in the end....IN THE END.
When I saw Jenna-Louise Coleman I jumped off my chair. And two seconds after that, it all made perfect sense. Introducing her like that. Pure genius. Or pure Moffat. "You clever boy. And remember." DAMN DAMN YOU MOFFAT! It worked perfectly.
I can't wait to see her story and I am already sad for her departure. My simple hypothesis: he will pick her up from some time in her past, when she will not know him and she will know nothing about Amy, Nose and Chin. And Eleven will ask her to make him a soufflè. And he will know when and where he'll have to let her go. Just like with River, somehow, right?
The little meh thing: always Amy and her memories and her feelings. Brilliant, but...always that?
So now. the question(s):
- The Doctor Died - this thing is still going on, right? The Daleks called him, so they supposed he was alive, but they all forgot about what happed in this episode.
- Silence will fall when the question is asked. Uhm yeah, they asked it like a million times in this episode. Does it count? What happens now?
- The woman/Dalek puppet with straight red hair...red hair catch the Doctor's attention? Did Moffat want to deceive us for a second that it may be Amy and Rory, daughter? That red hair must mean something. Or not.
- Are Amy and Rory divorced!?
- Is the Ood still on the loo?
P.S. I mss you, Confidential.