Good morning, Autumn!

May 30, 2006 19:49

Oh, what a day today. I woke up at 8:45, almost an hour and a half later than late.
And going lazily out of bed, I realized it was raining. Oh, what a sweet thing! You may know, before I go on, that I LOVE rain, LOVE IT.
Waking up in a rainy morning is always a pleasure to me, even if I have to go taking the bus and going to university, or going shopping, or anything. And I love expecially spring and summer rain, because it refreshes the atmosphere, always so extremely sultry over here.
Anyway, returning to my lazy going out of bed. After the raining thing, I realized another, important thing: there where also cold and wind and more cold and more wind, so...autumn returning. Hello autumn, it's the 30th day of may. What are you doing here NOW!?
Amazing. This was the perfect occasion to go to the autumn/winter side of my wardrobe and to pull off my beautiful, azure raincoat.
Oh, well, it's not really a raincoat, but who cares? It's beautiful, anyway.
The rest of the day passed with not one, not two, but three storms. And now, local time 20.03, I'm wearing a long, heavy, WOOL jacket...!
And facing the sunny weather over there, here are a very small bunch of icons I made in the past, hot days.

I'm not posting the usual list of rules, but please:
remember to comment if you like them, to credit if you take them, to NOT modify them, to not use textless ones as bases. And DO NOT HOTLINK, TOO!
Thank you.
And do not mind my english mistakes, please :P

I wish you a fresh, enjoyable night; and many more to come ♥

icons, personal junk, opera.omnia

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