Jan 03, 2004 15:33
I just got back from The park with Kayleigh, Tyler, and these two other kids i didnt know. Being the nice girl i am i gave them all cigarettes, i am now loved. I watched them smoke some weed, which was some funny stuff i must say. I didnt give into the peer pressure because i am the coolest. Tyler said he was going to get me stoned at one point or another but..no. Then i finished getting CKancer and went on my merry way.
I love my little Burn outs. They rock my cock so hard.
I am kind of excited for school, I get to see Rob<3 and all of the other cool kids i love to death...you know how that goes. Although i must say i am not thrilled about waking up at 5:45 and walking down my street when it is so chilly outside.
oh well.
i'll deal.
With love,