I dreamed of being part of the stories

Jul 15, 2007 15:06

1. Name: Claire.

2. Age: 15 going on 16. oh god, so close.

3. Three adjectives to describe yourself: What the fuck? That’s three words, and they most defenitely describe me. ;)

4. Music: Mm… I love everything. Some Deepak Chopra for when I’m feeling groovy and I’ve got my candles on, some happy hardcore for bashy-boppy moods and some Gregory and the Hawk for when I’m juust… chill.

5. Movies: Eternal Sunshine, Stranger than Fiction, Science of Sleep, Virgin Suicides, Moulin Rouge, Pretty in Pink

6. What was your favorite Francesca Lia Block book, and why? My absolute favourite would have to be the orignal Weetzie Bat book. Just because it was the first time I came across the wonderful Francescia Lia Block. I read it and re-read it, and re-re-read it. Absolutely amazing. I want My Own Secret Agent Lover-Man.

7. What is your favorite thing to wear? My neon-discoball-80’s-hooker-glamour-elton john-drag queen 7 inch heel boots. Oh how I love thee. That or just an old 80’s sundress from Goodwill, or the Mother’s closet with a pair of ballerina flats.

8. If a genie popped out of a magic lamp and gave you three wishes, what would they be? I’d probably wish for love, or an understanding of love at least, for some magical sparkling self-confidence and for everything to just turn out ok.

9. Promote somewhere and post the link here: Tis in the LJ ;)

10. Please post 3 or more clear pictures of yourself:

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