Location:West By God Virginia<----blahhhhhhh
List 10 bands you currently have been listening to:
Local Bands include:
-Forever Forgotten
-69 Fingers
-Stone Ka Tet
-Identity Crisis
-Chrypotorchid Chipmunk
-Holden Caulfield
Then We've Got Some of The Not So Local Bands:
-Most Precious Blood
-Lamb Of God
List 5 movies you could watch over and over again:
-Second Hand Lion
-Butterfly Affect
-Anything With Jay and Silent Bob
-Bruce Almighty
What would be your weapon of choice and why:
-A gun...mainly because i have been shooting many types of guns since I was 4 years old. (Which is also when I got my first gun)
Name one obsession you have:
-I always close my closet before I go to bed...
List one bad habit you have:
-Drinking (Most people consider that bad...Do I?...No!)
Tell us something interesting and intelligent:
Moose only last so many seconds while having sex. (Like only 7 or 8)
Tell us a funny/embarassing story of yourself: it was me, Sloan, and my friend Hanna, and we were sittin in my room with the blacklight on gettin high. hah Well Sloan has this great idea that when its her turn to hit the bowl shes gonna take her lighter and light her sock on fire...well she did and me and hanna look over and there is this huge burst of flame on her foot and she starts flailing her foot in the air until it went out...and we all started laughing soooooooooo hard!...and then one of us were like poof!...and then we started laughing again...ha ha ha!
If you could choose one person to live with on an island, who would it be and why:
My friend Sloan because her and I get along so well.
What's one thing you absolutely hate and why:
-When people repeat themselves over and over again and get louder and louder and its so damn annoying!....Cuz its like listen I heard you the first time so shut the fuck up!
Promote us somewhere. Give the link: did you hear about us:
Why do you want to join:
Because I'm all about the ass! :D
Why do you think your ass rocks? List 3 reasons:
-Because its squeezable
-I work out
-annnnd because I can shake it like a salt shaker!
What are your hot ass jeans? Who makes them and why are they "hot" to you:
-I dont really wear hot ass jeans?...I just wear whatever lying around so i really dont have any idea...but in one of the pictures you are abuot to see below I have this pair of underwear that fits my ass pretty nicley...they are made by Morbid and i got them at Hot Topic.
Show at least 2 pictures of your face:
Show at least 2 pictures of your ass: