Hoohah! Here is my little applicationy thing. I didn't have any like ASS shots, so I hope pics of me in women's clothing will suffice to prove just how hot my ass is.
Name(s): James or jaymz..phonetically identical.
Age: 21
Birthday: 8th October
Location: NSW, Australia
List 10 favorite bands: Tool, The Tea Party, Jeff Buckley, Alice in Chains, Cog, Faith No More, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, silverchair
List 5 favorite movies: The Boondock Saints, Fight Club, The Evil Dead series, Requiem for a Dream, From Dusk 'Til Dawn
What would be your weapon of choice and why: Fingernails, because I wold like to be up close and personal when I'm doing the damage.
Name one obsession you have: I get way too caught up on girls before anything ever happens between us.
List one bad habit you have: Just one? Ummmm...I blatantly scratch my ass and boy bits in public and I don't care.
Tell us something interesting and intelligent: Lenin's brain was sliced into 31,000 slivers and is mounted on glass in the Russian Brain Institute.
Tell us a funny/embarassing story of yourself: I once drank a bottle of Jim Beam Black Label in an hour and a half, I blacked out, and woke up at home naked in the middle of the lounge room. After talking to my friends, I learned that the night before I'd torn my shirt in half a la Hulk Hogan, broken Jon's toilet seat lid, fallen over onto ashphalt and then vomited all over myself in a taxi.
If you could choose one person to live with on an island, who would it be and why: Mer, because she is the most perfect girl I could ever envision. h, and she'd be compliant with my sexual insatiability. <3
What's one thing you absolutely hate and why: People who either are attractive and know it, or people who aren't attractive and think they are, because the least attractive quality in ANYONE (male or female) is arrogance.
Promote us somewhere. Give the link:
http://ahryz.livejournal.com How did you hear about us: I'm Mer's love slave.
Why do you want to join: Because I have a hot ass!
Why do you think your ass rocks? List 3 reasons: 1) It's prone to getting slapped by both men and women.
2) I can shake it on the dance floor.
3) Because I'm not afraid to bare it!
What are your hot ass jeans? Who makes them and why are they "hot" to you: I have three pairs of jeans, two from Jay Jays and one pair of Levis. The jeans aren't so much hot ass jeans, I just have a hot ass.
Show at least 2 pictures of your face:
Show at least 2 pictures of your ass: