Let Me Slap Your Ass

Jan 30, 2005 22:25




Location:Medford,about 15 minutes from Boston

List 10 bands you currently have been listening to:AC/DC,Garth Brooks,Aerosmith,Metallica,Toby Keith,Tim McGraw,Alan Jackson,Bound For Venus, Big and Rich and

List 5 movies you could watch over and over again:Remember The Titans,Titanic,Rocky Horror Picture Show,Chicago and Moulin Rouge

List 3 tv shows you can't stop watching:Whose Line Is it Any way?,Full Metal Alchameist and American Idol (guilty pleasure!)

List 3 books you can't put down and why:Perks of Being a Wall Flower because it has a lot of things I like or have been through in it, Harry Potter, it's an escape, and they put witches in good light and Ranma 1/2 series. I love manga, and ranma is so wacky and fun. I love the series.

What would be your weapon of choice and why:Bow and Arrow. I always used to pretend I had one when I was a little girl.

Name two obsessions you have:MAD Magazine and Manga.

List two bad habits you have:Worrying way to much, and sometimes coming on to strong with people.

Tell us something interesting and intelligent:"Live like you were dying"

Tell us a funny/embarassing story of yourself:Ok I apologize in advance if this is to graphic. I was having sex with my BF, and I squirt, and well I squirted a little to much right in the spot he had to sleep.

**Note about these next three questions:
We know they've been overdone, and if you give an oppinion someone doesn't agree with, we'll at least give you the credit for stating your answer fully and respectfully.**

What are your feelings on abortion:I am so against abortion. I'm sorry, but I know it's a womans body, but what about the baby you are technically killing. Now I believe as a Pagan the heart contains the soul. The heart starts beating after 9 weeks. If you abort a baby when it has its soul you are killing it. I find it hypocritical that people are against death penalty,but have no problem killing an unborn human.

Who would you elect for president:Someone who is against any type of death or killing, someone who is going to give money to education, and someone who will work hard to bring our troops home.

What are your views on religion:I am wicca.I believe in a god and goddess as well as reincarnation. I acknowledge the fact I may be wrong, but take pride in the fact I may be right. I believe in the rule of three as well as karma.

If you could choose one person to live with on an island, who would it be and why:My Boyfriend because I love him so much, and I would die without him.

What's one thing you absolutely hate and why:People who pretend to be your friend just because they are afraid to tell you the truth. What is the point? Why would you waste your time being friend with someone you hate

Give us some good words of advice: "Scars heal, glory fades, and all your left with are the memorys made. Pain hurts, but only for a minute, your life is short so go on and live it"

Promote us somewhere. Give the link:www.angelfire.com/extreme4/littlemel

How did you hear about us:Interest search

Why do you want to join:I've always been told I have a nice ass. Time to see if it's true.

Why do you think your ass rocks?:I have junk in the trunk, but it's not gross fat, it looks good in jeans and skirts, and my boyfriend loves it.

What are your hot ass jeans? Who makes them and why are they "hot" to you: LEI hip huggers, they hug my waist perfectly.

Show at least 2 (more is better) pictures of your

Show at least 2 (more is better) pictures of your ass:

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