i am so bored.
i made one skirt. i messed it up at first. it's okay now. but it doesn't look how i wanted it to. i'll deal.
i attempted to make a pizza but we had no cheese.
all i ate so far was two cookies. i'm a hungrybunny.
i did the dishes.
i napped for 2 1/2 hours.
i dropped a glass and it broke all over the kitchen. i sweeped up what i could and i didn't feel like vacuuming. i put up a sign that said "wear shoozies i dropped a glass." my mom is going to kill me. psh.
i'm so bored i'm looking at pictures from the movie awards and remembering what i loved&hated.
there's some good shit.
this is good:
scarlett johansson&my little jakey introducing the yeahyeahyeahs.
i wish i had an ellen with me at all times.
way cute.
also beautiful.
this boy on the left.
i only saw the first hobbit movie whatever.
but he's so fucking cute i think i will marry him.
what is his name?
absolute best thing of the night&my life?
i'll marry her first. definitely.
errr... i'm a little embarassed i just did all that. someone save me.
what the eff is everyone doing that noone is online and/or updating their journals to give me something to look at.
tonight is the gaystraight 80s social or some shit at the backdoor. i will be attending with my favorites mike&jessica. they can both be my dates that way i'll go as gay&straight. booya. i'm excited for the people i will see.
i'm fucking delirious.
it was rainy&thundering.
uhoh the aliens are coming for jessica.
noone to talk to.
nothing to do.
i'm out of here.
i should go cut my stencils.
bye. <3.