Mar 31, 2006 00:04
dear mexicans:
it's not that you're illegal, really.
it's just that i can't walk down my own goddamn street without being hollared at by one or six of you in a pickup truck.
it's also that i can't order a goddamn parfait from mcdonald's without needing to use some sort of sign language.
it's also that it's so easy to ruin mexican food and i'm so sick of bad mexican food.
for these reasons, i have decided to throw my considerable weight behind john mccain's senate bill. i'm not too worried about terrorists coming in through mexico, because for that to happen, the terrorist would have to go to mexico, and i don't believe they'd want to do that. i think building a wall is a bit overkill. i like the sound of guest worker programs. without a doubt, the senate bill is the right path for me.
and i think that if you come to the united states and demand free healthcare, it's only fair that i can go to mexico and come back with a 6 month supply of oxycotin.
i wish i could dance like those lines.
they're pulling me to the left, always to the left.
keyboards are a triiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.
i feel like im in the wizard of oz but barefoot and no baloon in sight.
corey and whitney get along really well together. good thing daniel's going along too.
famliy is leaving in april. i see unlimitted hookah sesh parties.
i was so afraid that these would wear out after awhile
corey i love you, you ewere right about the boatride.
i love you corey lets going catch lobster with our teeth oh my god theyve got me twisting
i can feel her breathing
the whole bed is movig
i need my hands back
to the end. NOW.