Jun 08, 2007 11:39

I'm onto day five, feeling good. My dreams are either a. my closest friends and family getting brutally murdered or b. me eating food, and feeling really guilty for quitting. I don't know which is worse. jk, it's probably a.
It's difficult when you have a roommate cooking wonderfully yummy smelling foods throughout the day, and your office is near the cafeteria. I almost killed it on her couscous yesterday morning. My tummy growls have gone away and I'm not so much hungry, as occassionally craving food. You just want what you can't have, you know? It's become more and more apparent to me how much of a social thing food is, rather than a neccessity. Also, I spent two nights in this week. I never spend the night at home, unless I have 15 hours of work to do. I did a lot of laying in bed (lack of energy) thinking about love and life, life and love. Did a little writing but mostly thinking and putting thoughts together. They say your mind is clearer and more open to "enlightenment" on this.
Last night I read half of the "master cleanse" book (by stanley burroughs) as I have not yet read it in full. I'm actually feeling quite inspired to become a full vegetarian. I don't know. I don't think I can give up fish. I couldn't do vegan, not in the south, although I do sub soy for milk and applesauce for eggs. I would still eat a cookie if it was around though.
One day at a time. That makes it more doable. I started out using Grade A syrup because it was on sale, and switched back to grade B (much more expensive) today. It tastes much better, less sweet, and has more minerals. I have lost 5 or 6 pounds and an inch and a half on my belly. Maybe that will come back, maybe not. If I could eat anything right now? It would be some macadameia nuts, and pumpkin bisque. Oh yeah, my tongue is this icky yellow white colour. It will supposedly come back to pink in another 5-7 days.

I've been playing with my octomat lately, but here's a picture of me from the quad.

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