Apr 02, 2007 21:56

I feel great. I have more energy to work outside of the office, sew, get ready for the craft fair and all that. People are saying I look more life-like again. I got fresh organic high pulp oj and have been mixing it with purified water. I ate granola three times, serving size about 2/3 cup each time and with a small amount of low-fat soy milk. It felt sooo yummy in my mouth, but once it hit my tummy that was it. When it came out it seriously looked exactly as it had before it went into my body. Every time. Food is disgusting. I skipped the veggie soup and screwed that one up! So if you do this cleanse make sure you just eat fresh veggie soup after the oj, nothing else! I’m going to stick to liquids for now, I have been drinking a whole lot of water. But this means I can have ANY liquid I want to, technically! I’m going to stay away from gatorade and anything with sugar (I got my immune builder smoothie sans turbinado, as always) but I am totally into tea and organic juices, although they are a little heavy for me right now so I will continue to dilute them. I may try soup (or even a salad) tomorrow for lunch, since I am going to the Frist on my break.
Oh and day 3ish of the cleanse, my face started to break out for a couple days, in the way it does after you get a facial. Just more of the toxins coming to the surface I think. Mucous is also still leaving my body. Gross, I know, but it is. I bet this is having a major positive affect on my allergies, everyone has been getting so sick from this crazy pollen right now, people who have never had allergies, and I’ve been FINE (normally I get deathly sick). When I did hot yoga yesterday for 90 minutes I felt amazing. I sweat a whole lot lot, a bit more than usual, probably just from the additional amount of liquid. I did it for 90 minutes today and felt good, but got hungry since I hadn't eaten all day. I went out and got a bunch of organic products, butternut sq and tomato soups, etc. I came home and ate 7 tortilla chips & salsa. But the tortilla chips were organic!! ha. Regretting it, but I'm going to eat a grapefruit & have tea before bed tonight.
But guess what, the cleanse broke my coffee addiction! I will still drink coffee and soy lattees on occasion, but 50% of the time (which my coffee drinking was at least 6 days a week) will be replaced with fruit/ water/ tea.
The cleanse gives most people more energy and feel more awake, but it honestly had the reverse affect on me. I wanted to sleep more, and had no motivation. Amber is still on the cleanse but I notised she bought lots of soy milk, organic oj, and some food too. I wonder how much longer she will go.
[[My car died in rush hour after work, and it died before I could put hazard lights on or move over to the right lane. So there I was in the middle of it all in my dress, hood popped, no cell phone to speak of. I pulled through, but barely, and it was quite scary. I keep putting hundreds of dollars into repairs, still need a new alternator and axle possibly breaks, battery (new!) popped out wires broke, smoking. But it is my first car still. I guess I should go test driving.]]
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