Holy crap I'm online. And I bring art.

Oct 31, 2008 00:22

Hey guys! Long time no see! How you doin'?
After what seems like a never ending spell of working like a fiend and then having a week or so without any internet, things have finally begun to wind down to the point where I can finally catch my breath. But I've been quite productive, I even managed to finish and turn in my SSHG exchange gift early. My goal is to clear out my queue by the end of the year so I can start fresh for the new year. Wish me luck. :/

I need to catch up with Prison Break, it sucks that they moved it to the same time as Heroes. And speaking of Heroes......

This season has been ok so far, its had it good points and bad points, But may I just say...
FUCKING FAIL for killing off Adam, especially as a 30 second plot device. Hell, Nicki/Jessica/whatsherface ice chick gets to keep coming back from the dead every other episode, but the immortal (and one of the only good things about season 2) guy bites it right after being dug up from a grave where HE'S BEEN ALIVE FOR MONTHS? Something just isn't adding up here. Jeez, why not whack Mohinder instead? He's been pretty much a complete douche this season so far.
Oh, and sometime in the near future we are all going to find out that we are related to at least one member of the Petrelli family.
But honestly, I really am enjoying the show. :)

I'm still enjoying True Blood and Entourage. I've barely watched House since it's become the Thirteen show and started focusing on shipper drama than medical mysteries. I miss the old ducklings.

And I heard about the news that DT will be leaving Doctor Who. Honestly, it doesn't bother me that much, even though I love Ten, he's had a good run and I'm more excited to see who will be Eleven than mourn the loss of David. I just wish we could have had more time with Eccleston to be honest.

Oh yeah, the art stuff....

I seemed to be running with a theme here..

For hump_day_smut a few weeks ago:

A Little Pain Never Hurts
Character: Bellatrix
Rating: R (NWS)
Warnings: piercing,blood

And along the same vein for Daily_Deviant:

Character: Bellatrix
Rating: R (NWS)
Warnings: masturbation, piercing, implied bloodplay

Also, my snarry_games entry has been posted! Go check out all the fantastic art and don't forget to vote!

Characters: Snape/Harry
Rating: G

Well, it's now very late and I need to catch up on replying to comments for the Snarry Games tommorrow so I'm hitting the hay.
Hope everyone has a good Halloween!

bellatrix, nws, fandom:harry potter, daily_deviant, snape/harry, fanart, snarry games

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