The Application:
The Basics
Name: Churee
Age and birthday (must be at least 15 years old): 22. 10/10/86
Gender: I'm a laaady :D
Relationship status: Taken
Where do you live? Lincoln, UK
Do you live with someone? Family at the moment until I can hussle enough money to move out with the lad.
Getting to know you
Your life:
How many siblings do you have? 1 older brother & a half brother that I've not seen or talked to since I was 5. Hmmmm...
What about pets? None D-,:
Education level/major? It's different in England, but I have 3 A'Levels in Fine Art, English Literature & Media Studies. I went to University to do Illustrations, but I dropped out after a year because of lack of money.
Do you have any nicknames? Haha....Cheech, Chuchu, Cookie, Churizzle, Little One, Curls.
What are the five things you can’t live without and why?
[1] My family. Even though they get on my nerves so much sometimes, I can't ever forget how much they have done for me.
[2] Bjorn, my boyfriend. So cheesy, I know, but he really is my rock. He's really pulled me through some hard times & he's one of the very very few people that truly understands me & accepts my little quirks & bad habits.
[3] The interwebzzz. It's pretty sad, but I don't think I can go without internet for more than a week. So much enetertainment & so much easier to get in contact with people. Yaaaay
[4] My glasses/contact lenses. Otherwise I'd just be Squinty McLazy-eye.
[5] Straighteners. Because I have frizzy hair when left alone. Boo!
Do you drink? Yessir
…smoke? Ergghhh...only menthol cigarettes. But I'm trying to quit. Not smoked anything for about 4-5weeks now. Hoorah! && I smoke sheesha/hookah, but I'm not quitting that though :P
Have any piercings? (show some pics!) 2 ear pierce on my right ear. 1 on my left & a 14mm tunnel. Nose stud. I USED to have my hips pierced & a smiley piercing but they started to hurt so I took them out. Bah!
(they look mega gross there. mm..nice reject)
(it's not a massive hoop, i only wanted people to see it when i had a massssiiiive grin. that & work didn't approve of it too much either)
Have tattoos? (show some pics!) 3. a gecko. a small heart on the other side. & a keyhole locket with a bow & set of pearls.
(this one, it's ONLY the gecko with the yellow star, i want a massive thigh piece so I was just doodling on it to see how roses would look)
Best memory so far? My 22nd birthday in Sheffield with Bjorn. It was just a weekend of laughs, full on dancing, stairs tripping, smiles & very happy tears. It was insanely lovely.
What are your aspirations or dreams? What do you want to do with your life? You know, this is going to sound pretty pathetic & everyone always gives me looks...but seriously, I just want to be a great wife & a great mom & I want to work part time in a job that makes me feel pretty happy. That. Or be a supermodel hahahaha.
Show us something creative that you have made/done:
...well...I was impressed. Hahaha. I don't have any scans of my drawings.
Top Three: Favorites
Foods: Mangos. Chips, cheese, chilli con carne. Thai food.
Books: "Lily-Josephine" by Kate Saunders. "Memnoch, The Devil" by Anne Rice. "The Midnight Club" by Christopher Pike.
TV shows: CSI:LasVegas. America's Next Top Model. Family Guy.
Bands/artists: Explosions In The Sky. Blik182. The Smashing Pumpkins.
Actress/actor: Ethan Hawke. Angelina Jolie. Bruce Willis.
Stores: Primark. River Island. H&M.
Sports/hobbies/activities: Drawing. Dancing (in clubs & parties hahaha). Being a ninja... :-O
Top Three: Dislikes
Foods: Indian food. Donor kebabs. PORK dishes.
Tv shows: Star Trek. Old British programmes. Deal or No deal.
Bands/artists: ICP.
MICA - I want his voicebox to diiieeee.
Amy Winehouse - i really like her music but her as a person...she seems like a proper douchebag.
Actress/actor: Nicholas Cage!!! Everytime I see his face, I just want to punch his face off! (haha pun)
Megan Fox - given she's stunning, but there's something about her that makes me go...BLAH.
Heather Matarazzo - she just annoys the hell out of me.
Stores: Blue Banana (I guess like HotTopic in America?) - they have cheap clothes that are WAY overpriced & the tattooists & piercers are WANK (i learnt the hard way. it was sooo cheap though. Wonder why).
Butcher's - the smell of raw meat makes me yak.
That's it really. I'm a girl. I like shops. ;D
Answer some, answer all
If you were an existing superhero, which would you be? If you were an existing super villain which would you be? (Don’t create your own) HIRO!! He's pretty amazing. & villain...I'd be Venom. *hiss*
If the zombie apocalypse was upon us, what would you do to prepare? Set a mini army so I'm not all by myself, stock insanely on loads of food (maybe have a MASSIVE supermarket as my base), stock on loads of guns & chainsaws. & hire this girl;
What kind of mischief did you get into as a kid? I used to tell all my friends & the younger kids that Santa Clause didn't exist & how sex REALLY worked. Hahahaha. Not all this birds & bees shennannigans. Their parents would always come to my parents & complain. Oops.
If you could have any job for a day, what would you want to be? Working in an aquarium, feeding & swimming with the dolphins, seals, otters, walruses & whales <333
this would be me working with them bwahaha, look how happy i would be.
If you were to have one song playing in your head for the rest of your life, what song would it be? Incubus - Drive
List the top 3 websites you must visit every day or two and tell us why: Facebook. Myspace. Livejournal. I talk to people.
Where is your favorite vacation destination? Why? Thailand! ERGH! MY GOD! When I go there, I gain like 8310973651802736kg. I love the food, I love the culture, I love the scenary & everything there is MEGA CHEAAAAAAP.
Tell us about one or more of your secret fantasies and/or ambitions: Seriously. I'd love to be a ninja. Old school, jumping on rooftops & having some kickass moves & then disappearing into the night. The skills & the grace they have is amazing. I'm highly amazed by them because I'm as graceful as an elephant tiptoeing around peanut shells.
How would you describe your culture? How has it affected your life? My "culture" is mega messy. I'm half English, half Thai. & I've lived in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Thailand & I'm now living in England. I love that I have picked up loads of different culutures. It's made me non-ignorant of people's lives & really gives me a sense of understanding for other people. There's this thing at the moment where 2 English people who went to Dubai had sex on the beach & they were caught & they were given a hefty fine each & sentenced to jail for about 6months or something lol. There's a massive debate about whether they deserved it because they didn't respect the culture or if they didn't because it's a pretty steep punishment & heeyy only having a bit of fuuun! (i think they deserved it tbh. on a beach resort? c'mon ... at least go somewhere a bit more discreet in an Arab country)
---> I notice that the way I worded things didn't seem "proper", but it was the best way I could describe it.
What makes you unique, in your opinion? I can relate myself to anyone & everyone, I have a quirky sense of humour when you get to know me *sly wink*
Tell us about a significant event in your life and what makes it so important. I know that this will sound SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO emo, but really...I'm still going to tell you. When I was younger, I was a walking mess. I had low confidence, I used to selfharm & other things & blah blah, you get the jist. ANYHOO. When I was 16, I had a massive massive argument with my mom, enough for her to end it with screaming that I was the worst mistake she's ever done in her life & that I was a slut, ugly, ect. I was talking to my friend on the phone & we were internetfriends, never met up, nothing. While I was talking to him about what happened, all he said was "Churee, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met in my life. Inside and out."
That was the first time I've ever cried from being happy. & it was the first time ANYONE'S ever called me beautiful. It's important to me because this guy, showed me things I could only dream of. He "saved" me in ways that I'm forever in his debt. He made me feel confident & loved & he's a massive reason that I am who I am today. We met up, ended up going out for over 3years & we were engaged but unfortunately, I moved countries & we broke up after a while because of the distance. But we still talk loads & he's still one of the most important people in my life.
About the community
Why do you want to join
_oddlycutie_? because everyone seems really friendly & it seems like a cool community to join :]
Cutest Member:
xtoolchickx Suggest a picture theme for the community that you would want to participate in: ROBOTS!/Futuristic
What do you think can be done to improve the community? Me in it hohoho! But really :P Nothing really. I see the themes are taking place & loads of people are active. So what to say really.
Varied from the last 2years, from oldest to newest.
Wish I had red hair like this again but it damaged my hair so much :,[
+ a 200x200 pic you want to use as a member pic
***** I have a new computer, so i don't have the proper programmes to edit it as I don't know how to do it in PAINT. If I get accepted, feel free to use any of those photos, please, I don't mind.