(no subject)

Nov 06, 2008 23:29

What was your New Year's Resolution for this year? I don't believe in them.

Did you take up any new hobbies this year? Wood sculpture, so far.

Did you make any new friends? Definitely :)

Did anything change lifestyle-wise? Eating less, I spose. But that's not really by choice.

Did you lose any friends? Hmm...you could say that, yeah.

How many bfs/gfs have you gone through this year? 2008? Just the one.

Run into an ex from last year? Yes, I did. We had coffee and smoked a bowl hah.

Your favorite moment of 2008? Going to Europe. Easily.

The moment you laughed the hardest of 2008? Who knows.

The saddest you have ever gotten in all 2008? Eh. Too recently.

Did you find the love of your life (or current life) this year? Well, my most recent ex, we referred to one another as such. Hah.

How many new people did you meet this year? A good amount.

Any old hobbies that you gave up this year? I've read a lot less :( Sadly.

What grade are you in this year? College Sophomore.

Make any changes on what you want to be when you grow up this year? Yes. I've drawn so much.

How many haircuts have you had? One, actually.

What's your favorite band that you started listening to this year? Probably...Vreid, Sigtyr, Solefald.

Go to any concerts this year? I saw Finntroll twice and countless other bands. Those were the two biggest though.

How many days/weeks/months are left of 2008? Like....56 days?

Would you say that this year was better than last year? Hmm...they're about even, at this point.

Was your 8/8/08 better than your 7/7/07? Not really sure. Neither were as good as 6/6/06 though. Hah.

What's a food that you tried this year? Oh. Falafel in Amsterdam. That stuff was amazing.

Where did you go on vacation? Well, Europe, and the east coast a couple times. That's about it though.

Been dumped this year? Yup.

Been with any dead-beat bfs or gfs this year? Nah.

Thought about your sexuality or made any changes about it this year? Still straight as an arrow.

Any changes in your religion? No.

How was your birthday this year? It was my 21st...you do the math.

Tell me something grand you have learned this year. Hmm. Listen to your gut feeling.

Tell me something kinda funny, but totally true, that you have learned. Oh. Uh...Amsterdam's redlight district was discovered at around 10 am by my brother, good friend, and I when we were wandering about. It was horrifying.

Get any new pets? No, sadly.

Lose a pet? No.

Lose any family members? No, thankfully.

What is the best gift you have recieved this year? The gift of love and knowledge.

Did you get injured this year? Oh sure. I fucked up my wrist last July. Recently, I fought the wall, and the wall won. I thought it was plaster or something though.

Get told any secrets? Yeah I'm sure.

Get your secrets blurted all over the place this year? Hmm...no. Not that I'm aware of. I don't really keep secrets though so you know.

What month is it now? November already. ;__;

What do you think 2009 will bring? Good times are to be had in 2009.

If you can remember, how was your 2006? Decent, I'm sure. I was working a lot.

What do you think you'll be doing in 2010? College or career.


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