Doing crazy shit with neural networks

Feb 09, 2009 15:04

So these two people put together a neural net that could tell Shakespeare and Marlowe apart, and concluded based on this that "Edward III" was indeed mostly written by Shakespeare, among other things. You should read the paper; it's free.

"Neural Computation in Stylometry II: An Application to the Works of Shakespeare and Marlowe",  THOMAS V. N. MERRIAM and ROBERT A. J. MATTHEWS, Literary and Linguistic Computing 1994 9(1):1-6

"Using principles set out in an earlier paper, a neural network was constructed to discriminate between the works of Shakespeare and his contemporary Christopher Marlowe. Once trained using works from the core canon of the two dramatists, the network successfully classified works to which it had not been previously exposed. In the light of these favourable results, we used the network to classify a number of anonymous works. Strong support emerged for Tucker Brooke's view that The True Tragedy is the Marlovian original of Henry VI, Part 3, the latter being the product of subsequent revisions by Shakespeare."

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