Jan 02, 2007 14:55
So0o0o0 I just got a tagged in facebook a photo of a few of us in florida on our choir trip. It kind of depressed me. I mean as much as that trip was a killler, it was a blast. I miss it! WE NEED TO GO BACK...and leave a few choice people out of our plans. I miss you all so much, and i no things like, missing liz's bday( sorry liz i forgot i had to work, and being home is making me lose track of like days and dates I feel awful!!), that make it seem like i dont fully miss you g uys. But i do. I hope you all know that!
On a side note...I hate the feeling of needing someone. Or like you could plan 100 other things to do but you sit for a few hours in hope that one person will call you. Its so lame. Its like i dont need him, but i dont want not to have him. It sucks, this break has shown me that you really can be liked for you. I know that sounds nuts but it was like we just clicked. I never had to try to impress him or think of things to say before i did it. And he was the same way. I mean really i was not the hot chick on campus at school, i was seen more as a bestfriend. I loved that though, I loved helping people through things. But let me tell you its werid. But he told me i trust to easy? Do I? Is it that bad to trust first until they prove you wrong? I always thought of it as if I got hurt i new i would have all my friends to help me get over it. I mean i really do use my friends as a way to let me try things i dont no if they are going to work. I love taking chances. Well do bad the guy that did this all for me and allowed me to see things diffferently is still in highschool. So all in all we have to be friends. UGHHH