Boosting the signal

Jan 28, 2012 23:17

Cross-posted from genrereviews because awareness is good.

Hey, guys! Remember all that SOPA and PIPA stuff, where everyone on the internet pretty much came together to give a great big howling no? And hey, we won! There was so much noise raised about it, enough people dropped their support the bills couldn't go through. And the peasants rejoiced.

Unfortunately, the US isn't the only country trying to put through laws like this. In fact, SOPA has an evil Canadian cousin known as C-11. Yeah. It's bad. And it's been so quiet most people don't even know about it. WIth two weeks left, that could be disastrous. Indulge me some quoting for a moment, if you will:

We’re not going to get Google or Wikipedia to go dark up here. We don’t have as robust a tech industry to act as a public counterbalance to entertainment industry interests. We have a Prime Minister (that’s French for Dear Leader under the current regime) who doesn’t give a suckling goat what the people think about his policies.

But we do have a lot more recourse in our political system to make politicians pay than our Yankee brethren do. (Yes I know I just insulted everyone south of the Mason Dixon line. I’m sorry. You trying caring about foreign geographical terminology when every person you’ve ever met from a particular country still thinks it’s the height of hilarity to ask if you live in an igloo.) We have things like votes of no confidence that can really bugger up a sitting House member’s day.

So, if you’re Canadian, or you’re friends with a Canadian, or you just really like bacon, click the link at the bottom of this article and share it with as many people as you can.

We can’t afford to lose on this one, Canada.

Canadians can click here to send your letter through a very clever letter wizard. Those who aren't Canadian, please pass the word along. We might not get a blackout, but we still need our "no" to be heard.


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