an old high school friend
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: yo Whitney!
astrid burn: woah!
astrid burn: heyyy!
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: sup girl!?
astrid burn: not a whole lot
astrid burn: eatin' a burrito at workstudy
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: haah
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: burritos rock
astrid burn: what's up with you?1
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: composing actually
astrid burn: very nice
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: like a CrAzY!
astrid burn: haha
astrid burn: awesome. good to hear!
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: where are you workstudying...?
astrid burn: for "technical operations of the media group" here on campus (boston university)
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: oh niicceee
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: is that your major?
astrid burn: haha no
astrid burn: i'm a religion major, focusing on islam
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: oh...interesting!
astrid burn: very
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: any particular reason you chose that?
astrid burn: well, i was a general religion major at first
astrid burn: but when i took an islam course, i was fascinated...a bit obsessed...and i figured given the world situation, this would be a good thing to understand, and be of some use in
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: good point
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: it's the # 1 growing religion in the US right now isn't it?
astrid burn: i think so
astrid burn: i believe so
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: that's what I remember hearing one of my religious courses as well as my pastor at my church
astrid burn: that makes sense...i mean, people want to understand what we're told is the enemy...and when you come to understand islam, it's a truly beautiful faith and culture
astrid burn: i'm not muslim myself, but i can see how one could turn towards it
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: hm
astrid burn: it makes a lot of sense
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: I didn't dive too deep into it
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: but it does an "honorable" religion
astrid burn: it does an honorable religion?
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: lol
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: it does SEEM lol sorry
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: ahh seem LIKE
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: ah crap
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: "but it does seem like an "honorable" religion"
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: there
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: sorry I have music running through my head
astrid burn: hahhaa
astrid burn: well, now that That's cleared up, yes. i concur
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: haha
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: sorry
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: so what religion are you if you don't mind me asking?
astrid burn: i'm not
astrid burn: "agnostic", i guess
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: ah
astrid burn: agnostic/buddhist?
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: haah
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: of course
astrid burn: haha right
astrid burn: like every other crazy academic hippie liberal, eh?
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: haah
astrid burn: =p
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: any thoughts on Christianity?
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: I have to ask heh
astrid burn: well, given that i created a psychological aversion to it when i was young, i have a hard time forming an un-biased view towards it
astrid burn: when i get in an objective mode, i see it as another beautiful religion, mis-shapen by governmental circumstance
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: very well put I completely understand
astrid burn: why thank you
astrid burn: i had to write a few stressful papers on early xianity this semester, lol, so i've had some practice
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: I've heard it explained similiarly but in a more caustic way, almost with hatred
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: ah
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: haha
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: I can tell ;-)
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: so those papers DO help after all AHHHH
astrid burn: haha, yeah. i'm basically being trained on how to discuss religion in an academic, mostly non-biased or hateful way
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: perfect
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: the best way
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: emotions can honestly sometimes get in the way
astrid burn: very, VERY true
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: or the mask of fake emotions called "ego" or "pride"
astrid burn: ha
astrid burn: yes.
astrid burn: those drive me NUTS.
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: you're telling me
astrid burn: ha
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: why is it so hard to discuss the beauty of life without somebody trying to stomp down with their own proud "views" and "theories"
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: it's like instead of being happy and living life with everyone else, they want to be "right" for themselves
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: TO themselves
astrid burn: they're afraid of being Wrong
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: why is that though??
astrid burn: and pride is a protective shield that convinces them that they're right and living right
astrid burn: because the unknown is an awful void to face, darling!
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: it's just human nature I guess
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: it CAN be
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: but the unknown is all we have lol
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: how much of life is unknown that we live with everyday
astrid burn: and that's a difficult thought.
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: again, it CAN be
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: do we KNOW that our cars will work?
astrid burn: haha yes
astrid burn: getting a little eastern, are we?
astrid burn: lol
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: haha
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: actually yes
astrid burn: haha yes, i know
astrid burn: lol
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: i've been studying alot of eastern religion and philosophy heh
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: like you said, a bit on the obsessed side
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: Toa, Buddhism, Zen...
astrid burn: if more people could Realize how much unknown we face in everyday life, and how much of it we Survive, then many other unknowns such as faith and god and the 'afterlife' would not be quite so frightening
astrid burn: very good things to study.
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: I completely agree
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: dang, where have you been all this time!?
astrid burn: i'm going to do some free-lance buddhism research in india for a few months when i graduate =)
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: now THAT sounds good
astrid burn: haha - reading and writing papers, dear. the life of a humanities major!
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: I actually thought about doing that myself lol
astrid burn: oh yeah
astrid burn: i can't wait
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: aw
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: I envy you for that
astrid burn: hehe
astrid burn: i love it
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: I wish I could tag along
astrid burn: yeah. i'm gonna have to get a few pointers from some of my indian friends and some profs before i head out there
astrid burn: i know my family is gonna be FREAKED. but, it's the life i'm buliding for myself, so, they'll have to learn to trust it
PiAnOpRoDiGeE: of course
i don't think i had spoken to him, online or otherwise, in at LEAST two years. he graduated ahead of me, though, so it's possible that it had been more.