Better Days?

Apr 22, 2010 10:56

  1. Sistergirl is out of the hospital as of Tuesday - only to discover as they walk in the door the a water pipe in the master bedroom (second floor) blew, taking out the living room ceiling and closet below it. Other than the apt drama, she is recovering well from both surgeries.

  1. The honeymoon is booked - we are staying in FL and spending the week in Seista Keys, voted one of the 10 best beaches in the world. As much as I LURVE the ocean, I am looking forward to the sunk-in hot tub in the honeymoon suite just as much! J

  1. Picking up some of the bridesmaids dresses this week, along with more invite inserts - Sistergirl being hospital bound most of last week sort blew my time to finish up the handwritten 30 or so invites I have left to send out.  That will hopefully be done tonight.

  1. My birthday is tomorrow. 32. Jesus. At least there is fried rice in my future.

  1. I have absolutely MURDERED anything I have made in the kitchen lately. Everything has come out fabulous. How this happened I have NO idea - maybe I have finally turned the cooking with gas corner at last! THANK GOD. I was loosing my mojo.

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