
25 Days....

Sep 09, 2014 23:45

Well.... a few minutes left of the day and I figure it might be nice to reflect a little.

Work has been going alright.... I'm thinking after the wedding is over, I'm going to look into getting a second job. Possibly home care? I was thinking about going back to school and then I thought about actually going back to school.... books.... notes....studying.....wanting to shoot myself. No, thanks.

My sinuses have been acting up like crazy. Snot all up in my junk, coughs, even watery-er eyes. Awesome. I just hope it calms down by the wedding. Because I feel like shit. And I'm paying so much, I can only hope and pray that I feel like ten million bucks that day.

As far as actual wedding planning........ well, I just made a list of priority things. That should definitely help. I wasn't too organized lately and that bit me in the butt. I hope I can get this shit together.

I've just been feeling quite overwhelmed. Everyone started asking for all this info and I'm just feeling a little in over my head.

As for Me Time? Yeah, I don't know. I'd like some of that, too... but it might just have to wait until after the wedding.

Let's see, what did I do this morning?

Worked on the program, called BB&B, called Donna (was supposed to call her back and totally forgot), tried to get a hold of a few missing RSVP people, looked for and printed contracts, washed dishes, ate breakfast and lunch, talked to Kat regarding Herbalife, and showered.

Mind is racing, so I'm up trying to do whatever I can to put my mind at ease.

And this cough doesn't help.

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