(no subject)

Jun 11, 2007 23:52

So Download festival was a bit good.

Wednesday 6th June

+ Got up and took my last shower.

+Packed the last few remaining bits.

+Chris got to mine at about 10 AM

+ Maxine rang to tell me she was guna be early.

+ Adam Arrived at mine and gave me a skull cap which he ordered off Ebay for me :D

+ Maxine uploaded the car and off we went.

+ Stopped off at the last services near Donnington to take one last poo.

+ Got all the shit out of the car, did a 20minute walk to the queue, then went in another queue.

+ Finally got in. Found somewhere to pitch our tents. got settled in and walked round for abit. then got an early night.

Thursday 7th June

+ Got up.

+ Walked round for a bit.

+ Did some shopping, brought trousers and some other crap.

+ Did more herbal pills than I should have =[

+ went back to the tents for a bit. Had a few drinks.

+ Made myself feel like a bit of a cock but we don't need to go into that.

+ Went out with Maxine and the others for the night with my sac of wine and got pissed.

+ Played with my new glow poi :D

+ Drank more.

+ Chris left to heave an early night.

+ I pissed in front of about 50 + people on this picninc bench outside the chinese food bit in front of 3 15 year old boys who we chatted to.

+ Staggerd back to the tent at about 5AM

+ Met lots of lost people and a guy from Manchester, I can't remember his nabe but I added him on myspace. =]

+ Couldn't sleep and was cold.

+ Waited till 6am. Woke max up so I could go to the loo. The didn't smell so bad then.

+ Tried going to bed again at about half 6.

Friday 8th June

+ Was so hungover, I felt like absolute shite. Took me a good few hours to be able to move...

+ Chris and myself went to see some bands, we saw:

- Turbo negro, From Autumn to Ashes, Saosin, Paramore, Enter shikari and KoRn.

+ Didn't really fancy drinking that night so I stayed all sober.

+ went to bed to wake up in a good state for the next day.

Saturday 9th June

+ woke up feeling alot better from the day before,

+ At 11am went to go see turisas with Christophee.

+ Went back to the tent to get extra shizz.

+ Saw some men dressed as pirates chaving shit out of peoples tents. wankers.

+ Went back to he main stage but wouldn't let me in cuz I had beer cans,

+ Drank them, got food put on suncream cuz it was fooking boiling!

+ Saw a bit of Shadows Fall and Aiden but not much.

+ I didn't like the singer for Aiden, he seemed like a cock. Bout his voice was yummy.

+ Saw 30 Seconds to Mars, Then Bowling for Soup. Their act was amazing. So funny and so was the stage set up. 2 GIANT inflatable shee. It doesn't get much better really.

+ Saw Machine head, they were pretyy fucking awesome. then saw Slayer, I kept trying to Ring Stu so he could hear but failed.

+ Worked my way down before slayer completly finished to get closer to Manson ♥

+ Managed to get kinda near the front, got hit with many bottles and kept getting shoved.

+ Pit broke out and we lost Adam, then chris was joining in so other kind people around me had to like help me get on my feet again. Almost lost my glasses too. I was rather scared lol.

+ moved back a bit but still managed to be shoved about.

+ Mansons act was fucking amazing though. i was suprised he didn't headline but meh. He's sooo pweeety <3

+ Then we watched Linkin Park and they was pretty good But I was really cold by then =[

+ Walked around the market thiny with max for a bit then went back to the tent at about half 2 in the morning to get up early to pack up.

Sunday 10th June

+ Woke up a bit later than planned so had a pretty big rush to get ready.

+ Chris helped me pack eveything up and we took it all to the car despite everyone annoying me and stressing me out but it's fiiiine.

+ Got back to the festival part then realised I was about to miss devil Driver so faught my way though masses of people to get there.

+ saw them try and set the world record for the biggest circle pit. not sure weather they did or not but it was pretty darn big.

+ When Devil Driver finished chris and myself went to see Lamb of God and caught the last bit of Mastodon, I don't really like them. bumped into Dan ze muffin man too <3

+ Watched Lamb of God...they were pretty immense. <3

+ Stayed and watched Stone Sour do a couple of songs then went to try and get to the front for within Temptation, We saw Napalm Death too. Bless them. The singer is welll cute <3

+ Managed to get 2 rows from the front for Within Temptation and this smelly fat man was so annoying. They had to start late due to to technical problems so only did about 4 songs but they were still amazing. And she's so pweeety <3

+ Stayed to watch Dimmu Borgir...Had to get out for a bit so lost my place in the crowd and couldn't get in the Marquee but I still had a good view. bless Dimmu Borgir. Theyre well cute goths =P

+ After Dimmu Borgir went to the main stage again, caught the last bit of Evanescence and they aren't actually that bad live but meh.

+ Then saw Iron maiden, took ages for them to come on but they put on a pretty good show I must say.

+ Left the festival at about 10.30 that night because we wanted to avoid the riots...

+ Had an interesting drive home.

+ Got in at like 3am then had a shower and went to bed.

+ My shower was the best <3

Towards the end of the festival the toilets got well disgusting, seriously there was piss just running down the side of the container things it was rank. The paths are so like filled with dirt...everytime I blew my nose it was just dirt coming out...Had to hold something in front of my face when walking though It all.

I was kinda worried before I left cuz if me and him argued it could have made things well bad and neither of us would enjoy the festival but we actually got on pretty well. Bargains all round.

Hopefully there will be a good line-up next year too.

love it.
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