Oh, spring is in the air! (As is freakish hail storms and April-'shower' torrential downpours). Honestly, one minute it's t-shirt time, the next it's brollies and macs! Yesterday i went for a little walk to take some pictures and have some alone time. I watched some plane trails ♥ and sat on a bench in the park. Then, all of the geese started making odd noises, so i left.
Patrick came over a little bit after that. He bought me a belt from a charity shop! It is really pretty, what a star he is, aw! I will post a picture soon.
I am back at home now, for Easter. Dad is being quite horrible and keeps shouting, but it's okay because he is going away for a week tomorrow. We are free! My mother is tremendously excited.
I have given myself the full day off university work. Hopefully, i will feel recharged by tomorrow? Maybe, maybe not.
More soon, i'm tired.