° First name, age, location (obviously): Mark; 20; Newtown, CT
° Two places you promoted:
here and
° Name your top 6 favorite bands (if they suck, you suck): The Starting Line, Mae, Maroon 5, Sugarcult, Taking Back Sunday, Good Charlotte (the old stuff)
° Top 6 favorite movies (and don't just do a google search for cool indie movies to look hip): Hook, The Girl Next Door, Dodgeball, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Ferris Bueller's Day Off
° Top 6 favorite books (we'd like to know you can read): Angels and Demons, If I Die Before I Wake, Hook (yeah, the book version, too), East of Eden, The DaVinci Code, Four Blind Mice
° Your political stance: Democrat.
° Why do you want to join _notlikely?: I like writing on live journal and sharing with everyone out there. I usually don't censor a whole lot and really speak my mind with everything. I can be funny and have post random links to a lot of college humor sites and other times I can be serious and talk about what it going on with my life. This community can help me out and really write some more things for others to read.
° Why do WE want you to join _notlikely?: I'm lighthearted and can really "up" an atmosphere. I like to make people laugh even when I'm not in the laughing mood myself. Everyone has their rough days and need something to pick them back up again. I can help out with that and even tell some great stories from time to time. Plus, who doesn't like meeting new and interesting people from all over?
° Career goal[s]: I'm going to school to study to become an actor. That's the way I am. I like to perform for people and make them leave the theater feeling different or moved or whatever. I really want to make it, but I know that it takes a lot of time and effort to do so. I'm also looking into psych as something to use in acting and because I'm interested in knowing why we do the things we do. I'm also minoring in math as something to back up on. Kinda like a plan B.
° How did you find us?: Did a search for rating communities. Never actually filled out an application to join a community, so I thought I'd give it a shot on a slow Saturday night.
° Pics [no more than 8 no less than four]:
I did a show at school called Metamorphoses. It was a really cool play and it all took place in a pool. That's me in the wings.
Me and my gecko, Tag. He is the coolest.
Meeting Kenny, the lead singer of The Starting Line. It was kinda gross that he was all sweaty. Singing'll do that to ya, I guess.
My "angry" face. I'm not a mean guy to begin with, so no one was really scared when they saw me.
Going to a "you-gotta-wear-pink-to-come-in" birthday party.
Hanging out in my friend's room at school.