I am a sucker for a shiny new meme. This one is pretty funny: google "[your name] needs" and then list the entertaining results.
Michelle Needs Your Help!
Michelle needs to visit one of those awful liberal indoctrination camps known as art museums.
Michelle needs a home that can accept her limitations as being mildly mentally retarded
Michelle needs to get the 2004 candidate names to Jeff so that the election may proceed.
Michelle needs money so she can travel to Canada and the US to meet bloggers.
Michelle needs a good man to care for her and tend to her as she deserves
Michelle needs to learn to be more careful with her Voodoo.
Michelle needs more to compete with the big boys.
Michelle needs 2 rare herbs to stay alive
Michelle needs mobility and communication devices
Michelle needs to understand import and export regulations for countries all over the world.
Oh yeah.
In other news, C came over last night for an awesome dinner -- Adam made apple-stuffed pork roast with garlic potatoes, and I baked 2 different apple spice cakes: an apple upside-down cake, and a struesal (sp?) topped cake. Both terribly yummy! We are making a serious dent in all those apples from
berecyntia's parents' apple tree. I also made homemade applesauce that is absolutely divine; a little nutmeg and ginger adds a tasty kick. I only made 2 jars yesterday (for the cakes) but I may make more soon... its not like it is difficult or even that time consuming, although peeling the apples does take a while.