Climb inside you , away from strangers

Apr 22, 2007 22:01

hahaha Apparently I need a photobucket. I guess I'll make one.
My mind is tired. Today was long. We recorded for 8 hours or so. I can comfortably say this is the best 16 minutes we've ever put out. I need to record some guitar parts again upon listening to some tracks, I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my sound.

In my life there are certain things that I want. I want Love and I want recognition. Today, I think I'm closer to something. I'm getting more and more positive feedback lately on my tone and my playing. People have credited me as a real guitar player, they say I am an entertaining guitar player to watch. I can't shred, play behind my head, or do sweeps and crazy metal stuff. I have passion I'm told. This makes me really happy, I feel like I'm closer to being what I've wanted to become. I'm nowhere near comfortable with my progress as a guitarist, at the same time I am proud of my accomplishments with my skills.

I've always wanted to create a sound that makes people want to look around my Rig and wonder "what is this guy using?" It's a given these days for people to use a Mesa Boogie, but I've been maxing mine out and trying new things to improve on my tone.

I'm running a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier through a Bogner that has some 75's and a pair of vintage 30's. The 75's have a real nice cut on them and the 35's carry a nice low end that I need. So, I've also got a high end effects processor running into a HUSH and a Dual Exciter, so the signal is being reconstructed and Limited from creating excessive feedback.

Tyler says after hearing me play today, he is convinced that Mesa Boogie creates one of the best sounds he's ever heard. (he's looking on Ebay for one now actually) I told him a little about how my guitar is Hot Rodded to the max and that My tubes are custom too. I've got a EMG 81 in the bridge position and 2 EMG SA's on the neck position. For a Jackson guitar, I have a pretty thick tone and the clean on it is beautiful.

I'm looking at a Glossy Maroon Gibson Les Paul Studio right now though. It's right at a grand, but who knows maybe I can trade in some unused equipment for it. I'd like to record the full length using two different guitars to create the illusion of two guitarists. A loaded Gibson and a HotWired Jackson sound really different but possibly could sound good together.

I want to be recognized for having an insane tone on my guitar and at the same time, be recognized as an innovative guitar player. I want to be recognized as an artist in every aspect down to even how I hit my strings.

I was really surprised how much better my rig sounds, but I did just drop 1200 into it. It sounds so much fuller and thick compared to the last recording we laid down.

Up until today, I never had a real solo made for "What a horrible night" and today I made one I'm comfortable with, it's pretty nice.

I'm getting over a potentially dangerous case of writers block. Things have been crazy, even in these things I've found solace in my friends. I get impatient in stages of transition. I lose patience at times, but good things come to those who wait. It's hard to stand still when you've been moving so fast.

I'm kinda tired.... the day went so fast. Tomorrow the week starts again..
I'm tired of regular life. I'm gonna start making business cards for my graphic design company and just start making peoples designs for cheap. I'm ready to kill myself sometimes I get so bored.
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