in the morning, shanon came over and we chilled. hah, i only shaved one leg, i kept running into things and it was crazy!. amanda joined us and we all chilled. we talked to giordan and josh on the phone then us three girls had a total freak out moment, it was so funny :D. SHANON LOVES "JESUS WALKS" AND AMANDA IS A POOGHEAD but i love them both<33 :D :D
giordan picked us up, dropped shanon off at janelle's then we went to pick up josh. hah, that was an adventure ;D. then we went to the movies! with erica, [whom this day was for!], shanon [we met up with her again :D], rachel, kathleen, mary, christina t., laura, christina h., cassie, and other people =). when i got there, the drama had already started. i'll rant at the end of the entry =). we saw A Cinderella Story<333, which is now my most favoritist movie ever :D. after the movie, we were all PiSSED because the ONE person who planned for us to go to an earlier movie, didn't even watch with us because now guys are more important then her girls. so we walked around then decided to go back and confront this person. erica i love you<33. we went and got food, hung out and such. then my mom came and picked amanda, giordan, christina t. and myself up and we went to my house. christina left early. amanda and giordan stayed until around 9:45. i love those two, they seriously make everything way more fun<333. i got in a huge fight with my mom so i cried a lot last night, which i hate because then i cry more about other things. [i.e. erica leaving and crappy friends.]
woke up and got ready. erica, mary, amanda, shanon and ria mae stopped by. we hung out for a while, then they left. ='( i gave erica a card that made me cry when i bought it
the phone rang so i ran to pick it up and my camera was attached to it. it took a picture of my keyboard.
shanon's surprised because..
..she has the new trend of hairstyle done in her hair..
..and the picture of her was so astounding. =0
all my friends straighten their hair. ^*^ that's amanda. =) ^*^
that doesn't look like her. ^*^ that's shanon. =) ^*^
it's the girl who loves jesus walks and the other one is a pooghead<333.
shanoodle's is a cutter.
amandor's a cutter.
maddi paddi's a cutter. [me]
[FYI: all cuts are fake =).]
cassie is in karate ;D!
we like this picture because we both look bad!. ^*^ myself & erica =). ^*^
myself [i had been crying before.] and mary [who was eating.]
my best friends minus cassie<333. mary shanon me amanda erica ria.
took it out.
ok done.♥