Oct 23, 2006 03:44
so im slowly but surely getting better from my extremely sick week
i was almost sent the hospital but after a few shots in the butt
my heath is getting right back where it needs to be,
my play "museum" opens friday at the panther playhouse at 7
come see it all of drama 4 is casted in it.
the show runs for two weekends.
after that I'm applying for jobs, mostly retail probably.
anything to do with fashion i suppose.
me and my mom talked about college
while i was sick and ive found some fashion schools i want to go to
or art schools that have good GE programs to get degrees and such
so i might not be directly going to community i might skip around
but either way im keeping it between me and my mom
because its my future and i want it all tobe based on me
not on what my friends congradulate me for or what they think i shouldnt do
within the next month it'll all be done and over with
ive thought alot about everything this week while i was sick
while i was peeling over and dying
and i had my same old nora change my world reflection
but my life is starting up and im ready for it
and i know who im taking along for the ride.
i really miss megan and anthony and everyone
and it seems so weird that i dont ahngout anymore
i hate it i just got so caught up in everything
and so busy and this and that and time just FLEW by
i had no ideaits been so long
BUT if there willing i wanna start hangingout with them again
because it feels no matter where i go, they always feel like home to me.
i love all my friends so dont trip guys haha
sorry for the long-ass reflection