(no subject)

Dec 04, 2003 21:52

. Yourself: Yes.
. Your friends: Yes.
. Santa Claus: No.
. Tooth Fairy: No.
. Destiny/Fate: yes
. Angels: not in the typical sense, but yeah
. Ghosts: lost and confused spirits stuck on earth, yeah
. God: not some fat man in the sky, if that's what you're asking

. Do you ever wish you had another name: yeah, sometimes. mostly just a different last name
. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend right now: nope
. Do you like anyone: ugh, yes.
. Which one of your friends acts the most like you: well I only have like one GOOD, close friend who really knows me, but she's totally my opposite, so uh, I don't know
. Who have you known the longest of your friends: uh, well, technically elise I guess.
· Whos the best stacedog you've ever known: what?
. Are you close to any family members: yeah, dad, brother. and stepmom and stepsister, if that counts
. Who's the weirdest: hmm. my stepmom, but in a good way. but I'm pretty weird too. and my dad is DEFINETELY weird. we're a weird bunch.
. Who do you go to for stuff: uh, myself. people hardly ever buy me things.
. When you cried the most: ah, shit. um, probably... fuck.. in a fight with my mom, or over my brother.
. What's the best feeling in the world: knowing that you are one with the universe, knowing that you are a goddess. ;)
. Worst feeling: being stuck, being surrounded by ignorance. knowing that you had something so FUCKING great and not having it anymore.

Have you/ Are you…
· Considered a life of crime - yeah
· Considered being a hooker - ugh no
· Considered being a pimp - nope
· Are you psycho - aren't we all?
· Split personalities - sometimes
· Obsessive - oh yeah
· Obsessive compulsive - what's the difference?
· Panic - not really
· Anxiety - no
· Depressed - yeah, but hey, I'm a teenager.
· Suicidal - yeah but I know I wouldn't ever really do it, this life has too much to offer. plus it would be such a drag to have to go through being a little kid again all of a sudden in my next life.
· Obsessed with hate - No.
· What are you listening to - music
· Do you have a favorite animal - no I love 'em all. but cats are cool. ooh and elephants, they're so wise and peaceful. and dogs are the best, they're like these little furry, full of love creatures that can make you feel so great.
· Current Taste - soy milk
· Current Hair - up in a bun, wet, gross, unbrushed.
· Current Smell - hopefully clean
· Current Desktop Picture - a picture of the moon
· Current Book - hiroshima, for english class
· Current DVD in Player - blah, if I could get this damn thing to work on my computer, it WOULD be the mest dvd
· Current Favorite Celebrity - er... I guess... tony lovato? he's not really a celebrity though. I dunno. johnny depp.

Are you...
· Understanding - Yes.
· Open-minded - hell yes
· Insecure - definetely
· Interesting - if by interesting you mean strange...
· Hungry - no
· Friendly - Yes.
· Smart - yeah
· Childish - in the good ways
· Independent - I'd like to think so
· Hard working - if I really want what I'm working for
· Organized - I try to be
· Healthy - yeah
· Emotionally Stable - like I said, I'm a teenager.
· Shy - sometimes
· Difficult - not really
· Bored Easily - I used to be, not so much anymore. I like moments where I have nothing to do, it's nice, because I can relax and have nothing to worry about.
· Thirsty - No.
· Responsible - depends
· Sad - sometimes
· Trusting - you mean gullable? not so much anymore, not with guys anyway. but I do kinda expect people to be kind and evolved, because I couldn't imagine being anything else, so when they do stupid retarded mean things, it catches me off guard.
· Needy - I don't think so...
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