(no subject)

Apr 18, 2009 12:13

I haven't posted for a while so here is a post. I hope you like it.

The holidays have been pretty good so far, lots of drinking and little work. There will be work this week though, since I have (ha!) to read Foucault and also write up my stupid report with gay results. Atm Liquor King has speights summer harvest for $6/6pack, it's pretty awesome... we've bought 48 so far. How can you afford not to? Also it is pretty nice, which isn't something generally expected of $1 beers.

Drinking at the Dollshouse tonight, om nom nom. And drinking next weekend. Oh, and my birthday next weekend. Hell yeah. I'll have to make sure I haven´t played records backwards and killed myself by then... (Acacia: one of Jim and one of Bombay.)

Yeah so apparently my life revolves around drinking (and metal). Truly noble causes.

Oh yeah and I'm finally getting new glasses ^_^ they own but probably won't be ready for like a week or something. They're totally metal (aside from... the lenses)

wowee!, going to hell, brutal, insincerity, vomit, take that world, watersports, errgh, the lady doth protest too much, procrastination, all in all things are good, not studying, awesome - right?, my big black cock, $4 wine never killed anyone, guess what you are a gmilf, nightwalking, not doing work, boys boys boys, foucault is fucking awesome ♥, all uncool people must die, missing motivation, blacker than the blackest black times in, bombay sapphire, drinking is big and clever, do wanna, no no no, maybe it takes longer to catch a total a, $7 wine never killed anyone, my black friend, i'd rather chop off my ding dong than ad, go play records backwards and kill yours, achieving nothing in the real world, posting sober (unfortunately), it has to be totally metal, beer!, drink me drink me drink me, black as a black man's cape, fuck yeah, doing a jessica, as i recall it was a horror film, not the dusty ones, daywalking, fuuuuuck uni man, jizz in my pants, ladies' things, bothing, bloodrecuted (i wish), being incredibly lame all the time, she's dead - i crushed her head, zombie apocalypse is totally gay, bourbon!, rage, no bumming, nailing up the hatred in my soul, don't wanna, gin!, food library, fuck it, totally awesome sweet alabama liquid sna, the rusty hammer of my heart, the kkk took my dana away, about bloody time, my huge red wood, whaddaya mean booze ain't food?

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