It's been how many years and I'm still moving buildings around? Basically I needed a good use for my new CMW taxi cabs and what not a better way than to have them by an office. The blast furnace office that is. It consists of a kitbash I did on a Walthers Machine Shop kit and some Cornerstone Modulars to form the annex. I also worked on some piping as well adding another layer of smaller pipe on top of the larger one for some better definition. Pipes by themselves look really lonely. I think it works well in that I have a smaller building at an angle to the rest. Makes some nice spacemaking. Admitedly this spot was always a weird one I was never 100% happy with.
I thought this angle actually made for some nice layering of the layout "in scene" shot. It's always important to shove that camera right down in there to see if what one is doing is good or bad.
Below you can see the additional 2nd layer of smaller piping that is simply held in place and spaced properly via the couplers...oh nice rought corner on that office...
A general shot showing location:
A shot at the pump house showing the ins and outs of the 2 piping sizes for some nice detailing of the scene:
The Vulcan Manufacturing building I stole fromt the EAF location fills in the office annex piece nicely. This is located at the opposite end of the Blowing Engine House.