Errr… do you remember that rant… two months ago, stating I was going to concentrate in finishing my career and leave Snape out of my head?
Well, I will consider it one of those goals people intends to achieve when a new year starts. Like giving up smoking, or going to the gym. I must try not to think in Snape and concentrate in my career.
I can do it.
I will start tomorrow. Because today… today I've spend the afternoon drawing Snape. *sigh* At least, this time it was with a good reason… You know I've been like a child with new shoes about the
Secret Snupin Santa Exchange, right? This time this drawing is a gift to McKay, the exchange creator and Santa, for all the work she put in it.
And here it is:
Title: Trapped
_noesumeragi_Rating: A big N-17 here, because McKay deserves the most explicit hot sex between our dearest Severus and Remus!
Notes: Made using Photoshop and my mouse, as always. The picture is a bit large.
A little house elf told me she liked alpha!Remus, and that two of her kinks were "against the wall" and "partially clothed" sex…
So… you know what you are going to find… ;)