ok, ok, I've come back. But most important, I'VE JUST FINISHED READING MY HALF-BLOOD PRINCE COPY!!!!!
And I loved it... the very best for my until now...
So... c'mon, I NEED TO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I need to speak about SNAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! argggggggg!!! please?, leave a comment and we can start?
ok, ok, Snape. Ufffff, ufffff.... IT CANNOT BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why, why he had to do it???? I know, I know, because he had promised, but why he promised in the first place??????? ihhhhhhhhhhh, and he was the half-blood tri-dammed prince!!!! Everybody wondering about nobility and kings, and it was a simple surname... #___# But that proves he was brilliant, creating all those spells and improving his potions. Merlin, what a kind of generation was the marauders' one? With brilliant people inside as James, Sirius or Snape...
But coming back to snape, I want to have faith Look, why Albus trusted in him was such a lame explication... it has to be something else, something more!!!! Albus would never trusted in him as he did, if the only thing Snape had done was grovelling in remorse one night. I just can't believe it. But now evidence it's against all us snape-lovers, it seems definitively as if he has blow his chances on the light side... Killing Albus... arggggg... I swear to you, when I read Spiners End cap I told myself, Draco has to kill Harry. But a second later, I thought, no, wait, it has to be Albus...!? and Snape cannot have just promised to do it in Draco's place if he fails!!! But I guessed right... Ç_Ç
buaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I want to believe in Snape!!!! Someone help me!!!!
And about he being the half-blood prince... it will have some true importance in the future??? hummm, hummm...
Comment, please? about this and anything in the book??? I need to get it out my system!! #___#
ETA: have a look at
this... it could be... couldn't it?