
Mar 20, 2008 15:54

Personality Type Report
Your Personality Preferences
While you may not be anti-social, you do need (and deserve) your private time and space to retreat from the world. Unlike extroverts, you need to develop a concept of the world or some aspect of it before experiencing it. Too much socializing may sap your energies. Your energies are derived from exploring the inner world of ideas, impressions and pure thought.
You usually gather information with your senses: what you can see, hear, taste, touch and smell in the physical world. The facts gathered from the sensory data you process are the building blocks of your model of our world. You concentrate your energies on what actually exists and do not ponder what might exist too much. You are usually practical and rely on your common sense to guide you through the world. You see things as they are and have little or no need to search for underlying meanings.
You appear to be an equal mix of both judging and perceiving types. This may cause you some conflict at times. On the other hand the balance of the two may work just fine for you. There is certainly nothing wrong with having a fair share of both types if you are happy. Below you will find descriptions of both types.

You like decisions to be made as soon as possible. You are not comfortable with loose ends and like to see conflicts resolved as soon as possible. You have a preference for a well-structured, orderly lifestyle with few surprises. It may not be all that important who makes the decisions that gets things done as long things do get done. You take commitments very seriously.

You like to have as much information as possible before making a decision. Putting off a final decision until the last moment does not make you uncomfortable. Indeed once a decision is made, a course plotted, you may feel a bit uneasy, because you feel bound to a certain course of action. You would much prefer to wait and see what happens. You enjoy the opportunity to improvise. Commitments are not etched in stone to you, and are changeable.
You evaluate data and reach conclusions by using your ability to apply logical, objective analysis to the information before you. Your thinking process values consistency and fairness over the affect your decisions will have on others. You compare courses of action logically and make your choices based upon what consequences you see them as having. If there is something wrong with a plan, you are the one to ferret it out. It is important to remember that this does not mean you are cold and unfeeling, but that your thinking process is analytical.
Your Personality Type
Your personality preferences suggest you may be one of two personality types, so both these types are listed below.


Naturally reserved and thriving on adventure and challenge, you much prefer action to conversation. You also have a penchant for observing what is going on around you. You enjoy activities that require hands on skills. Resourceful and independent, your motivations come from within you. You are a collector of information, rational, realistic and pragmatic. People often have a difficult time figuring you out, and you will remain a mystery to many.

In relationships you are not one to have deep talks, but would rather let your actions speak for you. You display your love and care for others by doing practical things for them. You are not one to take on too many commitments or obligations--if any. You need your time alone and even though you are probably very loyal, this may cause conflict at times. You are not one to start fights, but you wont back away from one either.

Famous People of Your Type:

Charles Bronson, Tom Cruise, James Dean, Clint Eastwood, Zachary Taylor, Burt Reynolds, Keith Richards, Charlie Yeager, Frank Zappa.

Occupations Suited to Your Type Include:

Auditor, carpenter, coach, programmer, economist, engineer, farmer, firefighter, marine biologist, mechanic, paramedic, law officer, investigator, steelworker, surveyor, and transportation operator.
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