Oh, ye Brethren of the All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Almighty ICONOMICON! The semester of your humble Keeper, Jack Shoegazer, has come to an end and he suddenly has extra time for archiving the bountiful randomness of the ICONOMICON! Behold this first batch of spring, with a more plentiful bounty to follow! Enjoy!
The depiction of Shiva as Nataraja, Lord of Dance, is popular. The names Nartaka and Nityanarta appear in the Shiva Sahasranama. His association with dance and also with music is prominent in the Puranic period. In addition to the specific iconographic form known as Nataraja, various other types of dancing forms are found in all parts of India, with many well-defined varieties in Tamil Nadu in particular. The two most common forms of the dance are the Tandava, which later came to denote the powerful and masculine dance as Kala-Mahakala associated with the destruction of the world. )