(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 11:19

Friday I drove up from HB to Hollywood at 1:00am and went to Swingers with Edward Lorenz and M.G. Moneyy$$ and ate lots of food. .....and pancakes!!!

davey havok and ultragoth@#!po$$E were sitting at the table adjacent to us.

ummm drove around sunset for a whilzzz and got home at the crack o' dawn

Saturday was AWESOME.... and this is why. I Couldnt get a hold of ANYONE so I hung out with myself!!!!! yesssssssssss I'm the coolest person in the word.

I decided to go shopping yaaaaaaay!! I love shopping.... in a purely heterosexual way of course. Went to Nordstroms. I have my sights set on a $275 pair of true religion jeans.... way more awesomer than the ones I already have. They must be mine. Thank god for credit cards.

...and fuck fat people.... seriously.
you take up too much goddamn room and you walk too slowly.... oh and you wheez too.
you need to get fucked. not by me. but by a stairmaster.

Bleh.. .went shopping for a suit. I want a suit. I want a Bad Ass Mother Fucker suit.



Got another five shot latte mmmmm

Spent a good three hours at Barnes and Noble reading all sorts of fun literature and periodicals.

Barnes and Noble has a shitty music section.

...and I have way too much energy... expecially when you take in consideration the time I woke up this morning.

Today.... I am getting a cheap haircut.

THEN!! I'm going to Newbury Park

hopefully I wont have to be there very long....
I wish I could just extract a few select individuals from that town before I explode all of it into five million iddy biddy pieces of scene kid and mormon.

yea I said it

shoot me, I dont care

theres a lot I dont care about anymore.... and you know something? Its a damn good thing.

So thats the plan for today as it stands.

I'll probably be headed back to Huntington Beach as soon I can today so I can go running.


I think Miya and I are having movie marthon madness this week. We're gonna watch Tombstone.... and Fargo.... cause both of us bought it and have never watched it yet.

I had a good week in retrospect. Im damn happy. I'm happy cause lots of other people are happy too.

Lets all join hands.

....and go to subway.

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