Jun 09, 2009 14:57

So today was fun. And that sentance should be read as laced with sarcasm. I woke up at 6am to go into Philly to register for my fall classes. While my mom and I were driving south on I-95, it started to rain... then pour... then there was a little bit of lightening... then there was a lot of lightening... then things on the side of the highway started getting hit by lightening. Meanwhile, we are driving 5mph in rush hour traffic. I was an hour late to the advising session, but luckily, it was a group thing, so all I missed was the opening bit about all of the different majors offered in the SCT. As it turns out, core requirements are a BITCH, and I never thought I'd say it, but I MISS GEN ED. Luckily, because I'm a high level transfer, the number of core classes I have to take is basically half of what the lower levels/regular students have to take, so there's always that. However, because there's some dispute about whether or not I'm getting out of the English Comp requirement, and because my placement test scores aren't back yet, I couldn't register for any classes involving math, Spanish, or composition (basically I can't take any English or otherwise writing-intensive courses). This meant that other than the theater classes that my advisor scheduled me for, I had to choose 2 classes that were either art history, core arts/"American Civ", or "Racial Studies". I ended up with another theater class (btw, that makes FIVE) called "race on the stage" (if I have to read A Rasin in the Sun again I will kill someone) for my RS, and "gender in America" for my AC. Which are the only 2 core requirements I have left that can be filled without freshman English. I can't wait to see how complicated my requirments become when I add the second major. WOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Anyway, without further ado, my long-awaited FALL 2009 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES:
SOC0851- TR 9:30-10:50am (this is that gender class... it was the only thing out of all the classes that fit the req that even seemed remotely interesting.)
THEATER1087- F 12:00-12:50pm (this is actually a production practicum credit... unlike GMU, Temple has all of the registered students get together once a week to coordinate who's working on what... aka I can finally get something done!)
THEATER0842- TR 12:30-1:50pm (Race on the Stage. All I'm saying.)
THEATER3001- MWF 1:00-1:50pm (blah blah blah theater history...)
THEATER2241- TR 2:00-3:20pm (a movement class for actors. woot.)
THEATER2261- MW 3:00-4:50pm (my advisor is making me re-take acting II because you need to audition into the upper-level classes)

So my life will basically be all theater, all the time. Except for the brief moment two days a week when I get to talk about people and their pants. I'm still getting used to classes being listed as in the thousands instead of the hundreds. I think I got pretty decent class times, considering all the real TU students registered ages ago.

college, random, theater, misfortune

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