01. Your name plus "y"? -Andi... y... Andy? I hate it when people spell it that way, though. It just looks ugly.
02. Two feelings at the moment? -Worried and disenchanted
03. What are you listening to right now? -Nothing actually... my window is open, so I guess whatever's going on outside (which isn't much)
04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind? -My dewy-eyed Disney bride, what has tried swapping your blood with formaldehyde? Monsters?
05. Describe where you are right now? -In my dorm room... at my desk... it's not that exciting.
06. The highlight of your week? -My copy of "Hamlet" (KENETH BRANAGH!) came in the mail today!
07. What are you craving to have right now? -Cookies from Ciao Hall (heh heh, our cleverly named dining hall... *rolls eyes*)
08. Any good childhood memories? -My grandfather telling me that the reason the lake sparkled so brightly in the morning was because there were diamonds in the water, and the sun only shined on them in he mornings... also, dancing in the kitchen to Christmas music with my sister and brother on Thanksgiving.
09. Any not-so-good childhood memories? -I won't burden you by disclosing these.
10. What are your nicknames? -Technically, Andi IS my nickname. But also Andikins, Mercedes, Andi-Wan, Audrey... you'd be surprised what I'll answer to.
11. Plans for tomorrow? -Don't want to think about it.
12. Your three plans for today? -Going out to dinner with a bunch of theatre people.
13. Are you thinking of someone right now? -Maybe. I'm not telling.
14. Ever gotten drunk before? -*sigh* No, but not for lack of effort on my part.
15. Favorite color? -GREEN!
6. Are you single? -Indeed I am.
17. Say something to the person who posted this before you? -CARA! Be silent man-woman! I must tell you about how I watched "Jason and the Argonauts" the other night and missed watching movies with you in Ancient Myth last year!!! Sadly, this was NOT the one with the CHILDREN OF THE NIIIIIIIIIGHT, or we didn't get to that part... I'm not sure.
18.What do you want? -I would tell you, but ten I'd have to kill you...
19. Fill in the blank: I feel like getting____. -Some action!
20. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers. -You're not the person you were born, you're the person you were meant to be (haha, yay "Bees"!)
21. Are you feeling hungry? -Only a little.
23. Last friend you talked to online? -Whitney and Michel... was IMing with both of them like, 10 minutes ago.
24. What do you like about the night? -The stars, the way the air feels
25. If you were on a farm what would you want to see? -KITTENS! Lots of Kittens!
26. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? -Famous.
27. Last gift? -Um... "Hamlet" was a gift from me to me...
28. Did you like it? -DUH!
29. Do you play an instrument? -Not anymore... the Viola in past years.
30. What song did you last hear? -The Cure: "From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea"
31. Your good luck charm? -I don't gots one.
32. Person you hate most? -We all know this one.
33. Who makes you laugh the most? -Strange/random things my friends do. Also, nerdy jokes.
34. What makes you smile? -Those silly LOLcats macros... XD
35. Who has a crush on YOU? -Oh fuck, don't ask me. I have no fucking clue.
36. Who do YOU have a crush on? -Again, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you... this is something of a sore subject at the moment.