because maybe...

Nov 12, 2006 13:29

So, the dance basically sucked. I did try my very best to have a good time, but it just wasn't meant to be, I guess. The music was (for the most part) bloody awful, the bass on the speakers gave me a headache, they did NOT play the Time Warp, not that many people I know actually showed up, my dress kept falling down, I felt like I had someone's thumbs shoved up both of my ear cannals (oooowwwwwwwww) because of my stupid ear things, there was rice all over the floor and it really hurt my feet (btw, my sister admitted that it was her and her friends who threw the rice all over the place), and sometime around 10:30 I started feeling sick to my stomach and couldn't go to after-dance party because I felt so bad. Also, my Dad didn't come to pick me up even though I told him about 50 times to do so. I wandered the parkinglot, unable to find my ride, until I called my mom's cell phone (I randomly picked a parent to call, as I wasn't sure who was sopossed to come get me) to ask where my ride was, and when my dad picked up, he was still at home, waiting for me to call and confirm that the dance had indeed ended when I said it fucking would. So I stood around for another 10 minutes waiting for my ride to get me, all the while edging closer and closer to the bushes, just in case I needed to be sick in them. I should have just taken my chances driving after curfew.

On the plus side, I did get to see Ikkle Robikins, Dave, and Mizzle Sizzle again; I really did like my dress (when it was behaving, that is); and they did play 2 or 3 good songs (I <3 Wonderwall). Oh, and I didn't get anything stolen from my purse this year (for once). There's always that. *Sigh*

rants, school, misfortune

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