A few notes about Obama's speech last night and then on to my thoughts on Palin...
I thought the speech was incredible. Honestly, short of scribbling out the misleading phrase of "clean coal" I couldn't really have asked for more. I felt inspired. I had a clear idea of the ideas Obama wanted to bring to the government. I felt he laid out exactly what was on the line in a straightforward manner. I think he finally smacked down that idea that Democrats won't work hard for National Security. I think he not just outlined a vision of what we could be, he set out a road map to get there. I WANT the vision of my country that he described last night.
This mornings news was less inspiring...
I'll first admit that I am biased. I generally vote Democrat and sometimes Green. Take this with a grain of salt because many things have fanned the irritation but..
So I watched the McCain VP pick and her speech this afternoon.. The first half seemed to be mostly a reminder that McCain is a veteran and was a POW, in case you forgot. *shrug*
The second part however I found prettty insulting. Palin's bit about how "WE (meaning women) can still break that glass ceiling" I found patronizing.
I wasn't a Hillary backer (too moderate for me - I started an Edwards backer) but I did back Gov. Granholm and was really excited when I went to see her speak at
sylvanmyth's graduation. She was the first woman to be a govenor of my state. That's exciting. I get that. But don't think for a MINUTE I would've backed her if her politics had been anything like that of her opponents (Posthumus, and DeVos).
What Palin's just said to me, and really mostly aimed at those still upset about HIllary's loss is that those platforms they've fought hard for - health care, a right to privacy, etc etc don't matter. What matters is a candidates gender. THAT is supposed to be the deciding factor for those voters? Isn't that.. well... SEXIST?
I'm probably irritated the most because for some people it'll work. It will work. There'll be women out there who jump to the McCain ticket only because he has a women with him. They're bitter that HIllary lost. They're angry that some of the media coverage of her was sexist (it was). They just so badly want to believe that yes, a woman can rise to the top of the government that they're willing to ignore all the issues that brought them to Hillary or that they said made her the best qualified candidate and they'll throw that all away to see a woman in the (passenger seat) of the whitehouse.
The other thing I found disgusting over the last few days is the sudden umtmost respect and sympathy the GOP and even FOX news has SUDDENLY "discovered" for HIllary. After months of talking about what a DISASTER she would be and how HORRIBLE a president she'd make and how UNREADY she was and what TERRIBLE judgement she had, all of a suddenly.. they FEEL the pain of the Hillary fan who is upset about the outcome. They "feel" the outrage over her losing because clearly she was the better qualified person. I've never seen either the GOP or Fox suddenly talk so highly about Senator Clinton or caim to trust her judgement or opinion more.
It's a blatant grab for women's votes and it's disgusting.
.... and the worst part about it is there are plenty of women out there that will go right along with it.
P.S. If I hear ONE more person comment that OBVIOUSLY Palin is pro-life because she gave birth to a son with downs syndrome I'm going to scream. The implication that only a pro-life person would have carried this pregnancy to term is such a obnoxious mischaracterization of most people's pro-choice views I could retch.